At the Capodimonte Observatory, an exhibition on Astronomy during the Bourbons

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From Thursday 10 June to Thursday 22 July 2021 atAstronomical Observatory of Capodimonte in Naples a special exhibition entitled King stars. The exhibition will be held in the Sala delle Colonne, from which you can also access the beautiful terrace overlooking the Gulf, and will introduce you to the developments of astronomy, the science that studies the celestial vault, in Naples during the reign of the dynasty of Bourbon.

They will be exposed volumes, prints, photographs and precious documents of that era, precisely on the occasion of the 200 years that have passed since the visit of the King, Ferdinand of Bourbon, to Capodimonte and on the 275th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Pizzo, the one who in 1801 discovered the first asteroid that was named Ceres.

Stelle di Re at the Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory

Stelle di Re, the beautiful exhibition dedicated to Astronomy at the Capodimonte Observatory in Naples and which is part of the initiatives for Campania Theater Festival 2021, will be divided into four sections, for a special journey into the history and study of astronomy.

You will learn about the first scientific research done in this field by the Capodimonte astronomers and which can be dated to the first half of the nineteenth century. Then there will be works like the selenographic table by Niccolò Gianpriamo, the double paraselene observed in Piedimonte Matese, then again the literary successes of Ernesto Capocci who observed sunspots and comets, in addition to the two unpublished manuscripts of Giuseppina Guacci.

There will also be a tribute to Dante to celebrate the 700 years that have passed since his death with the Engraving of the winged chariot traveling to the moon, taken from the volume Ecstasy and rapture over the moon.

During the visit, the anti-Covid 19 regulations will be respected and to participate is booking required to the site indicated in the information mirror.

Information on Stelle di Re in Capodimonte


from 10 June to 22 July 2021, only Thursdays and Fridays


Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory, Salita Moiariello, 16 Naples


two entry shifts: 16:30 and 18:00


Free event


Official website | Facebook page | for reservations visit the Eventbrite website

  • Where: Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory, Naples
  • When: from Thursday 10 June 2021 to Thursday 22 July 2021, from 16 pm
  • Closed on days:
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Saturday
    • Sunday
  • Price: the event is free
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