Antonio Conte to Belve, reveals the "spicy" advice for his footballers
Antonio Conte, a well-known Italian football coach, was recently a guest on Rai 2 in the interview with Beasts conducted by Francesca Fagnani. The event aroused great interest among Conte's fans, who were eager to know details about his career and his professional future. Here's what he told the public.
Conte, the revelations on the expectations of Rome and Naples
During the interview, Antonio Conte shed light on the expectations linked to a possible future career a Roma o Napoli. He described both cities as luoghi where you would like to work, thanks to the fervent football passion that characterizes these communities.
However, Conte stressed that at the moment there are no agreements or concrete prospects for his future experience in neither of the two teams. He clarified that, although similar situations have occurred in the past, there are currently no offers or negotiations underway.
The 'Mancini Case' according to Antonio Conte
The interview with Belve was not limited to discussing the future of Antonio Conte, but also touched on the topic of resignation of Roberto Mancini from the position of coach of the Italian national team. Conte has adopted a is Reserved on this topic, avoiding going into the merits of the national team's internal issues.
It has, however, mentioned le items about quote from from Saudi Arabia and shared that he himself had received an offer, but he had chosen to decline it. He also highlighted the challenges and pressures that can arise from the role of coach of a national team.
Conte's painful farewell to Juventus and his relationship with Mourinho
During the interview, Antonio Conte addressed the topic ofgoodbye to Juventus, a phase of his career which he described as painful.
After three years of success with the Juventus club, Conte revealed that he had started to perceive greats problems, even in the smallest issues, which had pushed him to make the difficult decision to leave the team.
Francesca Fagnani it also has remembered un time in which Conte had threatened Mourinho, underlining the decisive temperament of the Italian coach.
Conte's 'spicy' advice for footballers
One of the lightest and funniest moments of the interview was when Francesca Fagnani addressed an unusual topic: Conte's advice to footballers regarding sexual relations before matches.
Conte shared that, thanks to his experience as a footballer, has practical knowledge that he can share with players. She jokingly advised make the “least possible effort” immediately before the matches, in a humorous way alluding to theimportance of rest and concentration before a football match.
Fagnani continued to probe the topic with fun questions, eliciting laughter throughout the interview.