Bus from Naples to Miseno for summer 2019: from Vomero timetables, prices and stops

Vomero Miseno bus service
0: 00 / 0: 00

The Naples - Miseno bus service, which leaves from Vomero, is also active from summer 2019. Here are timetables and stops.

The importance of Vomero - Miseno bus service is represented by the fact that it involves two very important places of Napoli. With the arrival ofsummer 2019 tourism is beginning to increase and specifically the seaside tourism. It is necessary to keep in mind that we are talking about two very beautiful and appreciated areas of the city.

On the one hand the Vomero, which stands on a hill and offers cultural tourism, thanks to the many monuments, on the other Miseno which is much appreciated for its renowned beach. Having an additional means of transport available means "better draining" the large number of tourists who come to spend their summer holidays.

Schedules and stops

Il bus service Naples - Miseno it is so important that the public transport company has decided, as an exception, to start the race Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June starting from Vomero to 8.00 and to 10.00, while from Miseno the departures will be at 15.00 and to 17.00, a beautiful day at the beach.

From 15 June the timetable will be as follows:

  • Gone from Muzii square: 08: 00 - 09: 00 - 10: 00 - 11: 00;
  • Return from Miseno: 15: 00 - 16: 00 - 17: 00 - 18: 00.

The stops in detail:

P.zza Muzii (terminus) - P.zza Arenella (ANM post) - Via Piscicelli (ANM post height 98) - Via Altamura (shelter height TOTAL ERG distributor and ANM post opposite Q8 petrol station) - Via Rossini (ANM post of in front of the swimming pool) - Vico Acitillo (ANM pole, De Michele pastry shop height) - Via Gemito (ANM pole, Galiano Appliances height) - Via Cilea (shelter at street level 56 and ANM pole, height street 118) - Via Piave (ANM pole, height street 12, pole - Miseno terminus.


The cost of the ticket is of 3,50 € for single journey.

More info: enteautonomovolturno @ legalmail.it

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Written by Mirko Elia
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