What to do on March 8, 2020 in Naples: events for Women's Day


The many events for the 2020 Women's Day in Naples with exhibitions, theatrical performances, concerts and guided tours on March 8!

Sunday March 8 2020 a new anniversary falls for the Women's Day, or rather International Women's Day, with interesting events also in Napoli.

The anniversary aims to commemorate social, political and economic achievements for the benefit of women, against discrimination and violence and was established for the first time in Italy in 1922.

In Naples there are many cultural events, including the rich program of the Municipality of Naples, presented every year and called March Woman. In addition, a walk in the historic center and one literary walk inspired by the Brilliant Friend.

There are also many other appointments between international, concerts e theater show.

Here are the events for March 8 in Naples.


March Woman 2020 in Naples: here are the events and special initiatives

Mimose Women's Day


Where: Napoli


  • Friday 06 March 2020Price: Loano train station

    Footnotes: the program is in the article by clicking on More information


2020 Women's Day in Naples with a walk in the historic center

Piazza Dante in Naples
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Sunday 8 March 2020, the Econote cultural association offers an interesting walk, in the footsteps of "modern women", in the historic center of Naples.


Where: Piazza Bellini, Naples



Brilliant Fragments: a journey in the heart of Naples on the traces of Lina and Lenù

brilliant fragments
The Brilliant Fragments guided tour will start on 8 March 2020 at 11:00 from the Montesanto Metro.


Where: Metro Montesanto



Guided visits to the Terme di Agnano in Naples to discover the suggestive complex


Where: Terme di Agnano, Naples



[Canceled] Kobane Calling at the Bellini theater in Naples: the ZeroCalcare reportage is staged

Kobane Calling on stage
UPDATE: in compliance with the provisions of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 March 2020 on measures to combat and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and with particular reference to those concerning places that involve "crowding of people such as not to allow compliance of the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter ”, the Bellini Theater in Naples announces the suspension of the shows and the collateral and educational activities scheduled from March 5 to April 3.


Where: Teatro Bellini





  • Friday 06 March 2020


Guided visits to the Monumental Complex of the Girolamini in Naples in 2020

complex of girolamini
From February to April 2020 the extraordinary Monumental Complex of the Girolamini in Naples will exceptionally open its doors to welcome all visitors.


Where: Girolamini complex Naples



Musama 'For Family at the San Martino Museum in Naples with free events for children

Certosa di San Martino in Naples
Update: in compliance with the decree against Coronavirus, the events are suspended. Online tutorials are temporarily posted on the Facebook page.


Where: Museum of San Martino, Naples



Naples exhibition of lava, porcelain and music at the Capodimonte Museum

Naples lava and porcelain exhibition
On 21 September 2019 at the Museum and Real Bosco di Capodimonte opens the exhibition "Naples Naples of lava, porcelain and music". Curated by Sylvain Bellenger, the exhibition will remain open until 10 October 2021.


Where: Museum and Real Bosco di CapodimonteGive her: 08:30 19:30


  • From 09 / 06 / 2020 to 09 / 03 / 2020
Closed on days:
  • Wednesday
  • interoceptive: €8
  • between 18 and 25 years: €2
  • minor 18 years: FREE


Lascaux on display at the MANN in Naples: the reconstruction of the cave for the first time

Lascaux caves
On Friday 31 January the fascinating exhibition “Lascaux 3.0” was inaugurated, which for the first time brings the reconstruction of this immense world treasure to Italy. These are, in fact, the Lascaux Caves which date back to the Upper Paleolithic. It will be open until 2 July 2020.


Where: MANN, Naples


  • Friday 06 March 2020
    • one piece rubber: €8
    • Two adults over 25: €12
    • Reduced EU citizens aged between 18 and 25: €2


Understanding climate change at the Mann in Naples: the global warming exhibition

Photo of Ciril-Jazbec for the exhibition Understanding the Change
The National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Mann, takes the field for the defense of the environment. In fact, from 10 October 2019 to 31 August 2020, the prestigious Neapolitan institution will host the exhibition “Understanding climate change - Experience exhibition”.


Where: Naples National Archaeological Museum



Exhibition of Calatrava at the Capodimonte Museum: in the Light of Naples

Calatrava's work at the Capodimonte Museum
From 6 December 2019 to 24 October 2021 an exhibition by Santiago Calatrava, painter, sculptor, architect and complete artist, will be held in Naples in the Museum and Real Bosco di Capodimonte.


Where: Museum and Real Bosco di CapodimonteGive her: 08:30 19:30


  • From 04 / 12 / 2020 to 09 / 03 / 2020
Closed on days:
  • Wednesday
  • Full ticket: €8
  • from 18 to 25 years, affiliated with San Carlo and Carta Freccia holders: €2
  • Children under 18 and Artecard holders: FREE

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