Emma Bonino to Belve, “I'll explain why I never wanted children”

emma bonino beasts

The topics covered during the interview Francesca Fagnani a Emma Bonino during the episode of Belve there were many and they covered many different topics, like yours life policy, but above all that private. One sentence in particular shocked the public. Here's what happened.

Emma Bonino's decision not to have children

During the interview, Emma Bonino expressed his position about the maternity. He pointed out that while a marriage or relationship can end in divorce, the report with son lasts a lifetime.

This lasting responsibility, in fact, pushed her to decide to don't embark on the journey of motherhood. The idea of ​​“forever” represented for her a commitment of a gravity and depth that he never felt he could fully assume.

Emma Bonino's words on abortion in 1974

A particularly difficult moment in Bonino's life was the experience ofabortion, which occurred when he was alone 27 years. He told about the profound humiliation that he felt when he had to cercare un place hidden to abort, underlining the difficult reality of that period.

This experience affected her deeply, leading her to reflect on why she would have to endure such a situation. This episode ha affected his strongly successive decisions and his vision on the issue.

Alternative motherhood for Emma, ​​with Aurora and Rugiada

Despite her decision not to have biological children, Emma Bonino she had an alternative motherhood experience. For a short time, she took in trust two girls, Aurora and Dew. Her report she was with them deep and significant, and has maintained a bond stretto with both. This interlude offered her a different form of motherhood and, in her words, she may have fulfilled her innate desire for motherhood.

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