Evacuation of Naples, Bacoli and Pozzuoli to the Campi Flegrei, how to participate in the exercise
The evacuation drills, originally scheduled for May 31st and then for May 30th and 31st and then cancelled, were moved to And June 25 26 2024.
The important exercise of bradyseism which involves the transfer of part of the population of the neighborhood Bagnoli outside the "intervention area".
The drill for evacuation scenario 3
The evacuation exercise will implement the so-called “3 scenario“, or the national mobilization of the Civil Protection system. The state immediately following this is the one in which a state of emergency is declared.
The area involved is the so-called “purple aerial” of the new bradyseism map.
here are the municipalities involved:
- Pozzuoli,
- bacoli,
- Napoli
- Bagnoli,
- Soccavo/Plain
- Posillipo
When will the exercise take place and which neighborhoods will be involved
Legislative Decree 140/2023 has identified the "intervention area" in the areas of the municipalities of Pozzuoli, bacoli e Napoli (District of Bagnoli and part of the municipalities of Soccavo/Plain need Posillipo). These are the areas most affected by the bradyseismic phenomenon and therefore by seismicity e ground deformations.
Information on the address to go to will only be provided to those who participate voluntarily, but we already know that it will take place on 25 and 26 June 2024.
How to participate: Participation is voluntary
If you live in Naples, in the "intervention area" for bradyseism and want to voluntarily participate in the exercise, you must fill out the form available at the address below no later than June 23, 2024.
Link to the participation form (located at the bottom of the page)
Brief information about the tutorial
- Date: 25 and 26 June 2024.
- Municipalities involved: Pozzuoli, Bacoli, Naples (Bagnoli, Soccavo/Pianura, Posillipo)
- Registration: By June 23, 2024
- Where: Bagnoli
- When: from Tuesday 25 June 2024 to Wednesday 26 June 2024, from 08:00 to 20:00
- Price: the event is free