Tapiro d'oro to Francesco Totti, his words on Ilary Blasi

Golden tapir for Francesco Totti, reached by Valerio Staffelli who gave him the trophy of Strip the News. The reference is, of course, to the end of marriage of the former number 10 of Rome with Ilary Blasi, accused, among other things, of having an entire and very precious collection of Rolex was stolen of the football player. How did Totti react? What did he say?
Francesco Totti attapirato, that's what happened
It will air in the episode of Strip the News tonight, 12 October 2022, the delivery of the Golden tapir from Francesco Totti. An "almost due act" given the latest news and the digs to the sound of social networks between the Pupone and the ex-wife. Valerio Staffelli joins Totti on the street and hands him over, teasing him with some statements and questions, the Tapir recommending:
Don't tell Ilary otherwise it'll make her disappear too!
The reference is to the accusation of Francesco Totti to Ilary Blasi concerning the “Disappearance” of an entire collection of valuable watches from home. And indeed, this precious booty is in the hands of the Blasi she hired, and she continues to claim, in her defense, that she simply took away a gift from her husband. Ironically, Staffelli addressing the player, urges him:
She is from Magica, but Ilary made the magic that made all the watches disappear.
Very brief response from Francesco Totti which simply responds with a
You say? We see…
Finally, in reference to the continuous provocative posts published by Ilary Blasi on social media and to Staffelli's question that teases him to know if he is more bothered by the teasing of the Lazio fans or the posts by Blasi, the former footballer replies curtly
I don't look at anything, neither one nor the other. I'm over the parts!
Francesco Totti and the question of stolen Rolexes
If Francesco Totti received the Golden Tapir from Striscia la Notizia it is undoubtedly for the end of his marriage but not only. To give a hand to everything we think the events, the teasing, the mutual teasing that the two exes have had towards each other. It could be a spite of the “Theft” of a prestigious Rolex collection that Totti kept at home.
In a recent interview with Corriere della Sera, theformer footballer stated about
He didn't even leave the guarantees, not even the boxes. They are some very valuable Rolexes. He claims that I gave them to him; but if they are men's watches! I refuse to think it's a question of money. If anything, it's a spite!
Judging by the Ilary Blasi's post on social media it would seem that this is the case. The story of Instagram is viral in which, in front of a Rolex shop, the Blasi just tagged the ex-husband.
Image Credids: Instagram profile @ tvnews.official