Francesco Totti vs Ilary Blasi: skip the separation agreement, it's war

Everything seemed to be going well, but the situation is quickly reversed and the two former lovers find themselves at war. We are obviously talking about the footballer Francesco Totti and his now ex-wife Ilary Blasi.

The two former spouses will meet on March 14 before the judge for the preliminary hearing, and conciliation appears increasingly complicated. The couple's lawyers they can't come to an agreement and, at the moment, the postponement of the hearing. The situation looks like locked and the process is getting closer and closer. Their lawyers they stopped talking to each other.

The war of handbags, Rolexes and villas

In addition to the process in court, you are fighting a battle of goods between the former spouses. The main issue concerns the couple's possessions, especially their properties real estate: the villa in EUR where the presenter lives with her three children and the attic and penthouse in Northern Rome that the former footballer shares with Noemi Bocchi. Furthermore, on the assignment of children there are some knots to untie.

Although it is assumed that Isabel, the youngest (six years old), will stay with her mother, it is not equally certain for Christian and Chanel (one aged 17 and a half, the other almost 16) who could decide differently.

The current situation

The separation between Totti and Blasi seems to be more and more complicated, he lawyers of the parties are no longer spoken for lack of arguments. The situation seems to have run aground and conciliation seems increasingly distant. Despite this, the two exes will show up in court on March 14 for the first hearing before the judge. The situation is difficult, but only time will tell how it will evolve.

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