Harry VS William: My brother slammed me down hard

Today "The Guardian" published a preview of "Spare-The Minor", Prince Harry's shocking autobiography which will be released on 10 January 2023. It recounts a terrible physical clash, starring Prince William, who his younger brother was beaten because he was "guilty of wanting to marry Meghan Markle". Here are the shocking details.
La physical violence is never an excuse, but, at least until the anticipation of Spare-The minor issued by Prince Harry al The Guardian, we did not know that it could also happen in an all in all "safe" context such as that of English Royal Family.
However that's just what happened to Prince Harry! What happened though? Apparently, during a violent quarrel erupted between him and the prince William after informing the family of his decision to marry the actress Meghan Markle, the current Prince of Wales not only grabbed his brother by the collar, but also snatched his necklace and knocked down to the ground.
The result? A back injury, which still today torments with terrible pains the Prince Harry.
Prince William VS his younger brother: the unexpected violence of the heir to the throne
Il Prince William and Kate Middleton, as we know, are very loved in the UK and, on the contrary of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, have always been seen as an example of elegance and self-control all british.
Spare-The minor, however, will no doubt crack this picture perfect, especially after the exclusive preview released today by the The Guardian, in which we can read of the terrible quarrel that, according to what was told by Prince Harry, would have taken place in Nottingham Cottage:
“William was not thinking, he was furious. Trying to calm him down, I offered him a glass of water. It all happened so fast. All very fast. He grabbed me by the collar, snatching my necklace, and he threw me to the ground. I landed on the dog bowl, which broke under my back, pieces cutting into me. I stood there for a moment, dazed, then stood up and told him to get out.”
Il Prince Harry, continuing his story, writes that the prince William he had it invited to react, citing the numerous fights they had as children, but he refused to.
At that point the prince William he left, but then came back with a sorry expression and said:
“You don't need to tell Meg. I didn't attack you."
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: her reaction to Prince William's violence
When Meghan Markle she noticed the numerous scratches and bruises on the back of the Prince Harry, she wasn't surprised and, least of all, she got angry, but:
“It was very sad”
Il real thread di Spare-The minor, as well as the reason for the resentment of the second son of King Charles III, however, is another, namely the fact that he is only the "replacement" of prince William.
A feeling that already emerges at the beginning of the book, when the prince William brings back the exact words that his father, the current English ruler, he would tell his mother, the unforgettable Princess Lady Diana (or “Lady D”), on the day of her birth:
"Wonderful! Now you have given me an heir and a spare: my work is done.”
Very cruel words to hear, not only for a mother, but also for a son.
Read also:
Prince Harry: King Charles III ready to reconcile with him?
Prince Harry: I want my brother back, but he doesn't want to recover