Prince Harry puts Meghan Markle to shame!

A former Royal Guard, surprisingly, reveals an embarrassing episode involving Prince Harry and which the Duke of Sussex did not include in his book "Spare-The Minor". And Meghan Markle, after finding out about it, it seems that not only was she very ashamed, but she even asked him for a divorce!

Shot of the royal palace: while the Prince Harry he's planning to release three more books in which he reveals gory details on English Royal Family and, in particular, on Camilla , the current queen consort, surprisingly aformer Royal Guard issued an interview with The Sun and in which he revealed an episode, not told by the Duke of Sussex in Spare-The minor, really embarrassing and starring just the second son of King Charles III.

According to what was revealed by this former Royal Guard, who was also witness of the facts, one day the Prince Harry, while it was very drunk, He went to bump into a desk, triggering theintruder alarm and immediately rush the Royal Guards.

However, having arrived on the spot, the three Guards did not find a terrorist or even a thief, but the Prince Harry drunk, and beside himself, stretched out on the floor and decidedly pissed off after a night out carousing.

Prince Harry, the former Royal Guard "His room was very messy and he was a mess."

At that point the Royal Guards, while amused by the scene, decided to help Prince Harry get up and to take him back to his apartment, but the undertaking proved to be far from easy:

“He was wearing tight blue pants and a white shirt, with a dark sweater over it. She was slurring some words, meaningless. When we tried to grab his arm, she started yelling, "Get off me, I don't need help." He was pushing us away and was very offensive. His room was a mess. The bed was unmade, there were clothes and socks on the floor, cans of lager and dirty coffee cups lying around and packs of cigarettes.”

Le Royal Guards they then decided to leave it there, where he then passed out. But that's not all: the ex soldier, after revealing this very unedifying episode and that the Prince Harry did not report in Spare-The Minor, confirmed that yes, the second son of King Charles III killed numerous Taliban, but:

“It was something that shouldn't have been revealed, no soldier would have done that.”

Meghan Markle increasingly distant from Prince Harry

Meanwhile, after she came to know about this embarrassing episode, Meghan Markle yes it would be ashamed to death of the Prince Harry and, even, some insiders have revealed that the “rebel duchess” would file for divorce.

It also appears that the two already live in separate houses, although, in all likelihood, yes they will separate only aftercoronation of King Charles, which will take place on May 6, 2023.

The king, to try to mend relations with his son, would have invited both. A move that, moreover, would not have been digested by Prince William and Kate Middleton, who fear that the presence of the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle can steal the show at King Charles III.

Read also:

Prince Harry: Spare? I regret and feel isolated

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: quarrel in the street, the police intervene

Prince Harry criticizes his brother's house: we Ikea them a museum

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