Prince Harry: in Spare the detail on private parts

New revelations of "Spare-The Minor", the shocking autobiography of Prince Harry, in which the second son of King Charles III speaks of a decidedly ... intimate detail. Here's what he wrote.
There is a detail, in "Spare-The Minor", the shocking autobiography of Prince Harry, which has gone almost unnoticed, but which in the last few hours (and not surprisingly) is making newspapers around the world discuss.
And it is a rather…intimate detail about which, almost certainly, few men would have the courage to speak clearly, let alone write it in a book that is then read by everyone.
Where to start? It seems that the Princess Diana, when the princes Harry and William they were still small, going against strict royal protocol, if it were strongly opposed to the circumcision of their children.
Too bad, however, that, subsequently, the boys were circumcised…and to reveal it is precisely the Prince Harry in the book talking about a particular episode.
Prince Harry and that expedition to the North Pole
Indeed, it seems that, before the Prince William's wedding to Kate Middleton, Prince Harry participated in a charity expedition to the North Pole and during which he walked 200 miles.
However, walking for 200 miles below zero it is clear that, in addition to the ears and cheeks, he has frozen even more. And it is here that he, specifying it, writes "his penis circumcised".
Not only that: even if the problem was solved "returning to the milder climates of England", when he found himself walking down the aisle on the occasion of Prince William's wedding, his “closest friend” was still very much in bad shape:
“Mother was said to have forbidden it. And while it is absolutely true that the chance of having penile freezing is much higher if you are uncircumcised, I can assure you that all the stories were false. I was circumcised as a child"
The question is: apart from unleashing certain "morbid curiosities", what was the point of writing it in the book?
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Prince Harry: King Charles III ready to reconcile with him?
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