Prince Harry: Spare? I regret and feel isolated

After the initial success of "Spare", Prince Harry is now complaining: not only has his family stopped greeting him and now addresses him with icy words and looks, but also his neighbors in Montecito no longer greet him and avoid him. And Meghan Markle also took things further: "I warned you."
Il Prince Harry, despite having collected more than a millionaire for Spare-The minor, now regretted the publication of his book: he himself revealed it in a recent interview, in which he is not only himself lamented the relationship at an all-time low with his family (we speak of glacial looks and unspoken words), but also of the current ones with his Montecito neighbors:
“Now they don't greet us anymore, the only bookshop in the town hasn't put my book on display and we are surrounded by ice. Maybe Meghan was right: I should have weighed the consequences more.”
Indeed, it would seem that, despite what was thought, Meghan Markle did not at all agree with the publication of Spare-The minor and that, on the contrary, she had repeatedly tried to dissuade her husband from doing so.
Not only that: after the new tsunami that hit them, it seems that, during a discussion, she told him in no uncertain terms:
"I told you."
Prince Harry, that's why "Spare-The Minor" has not been offered for sale in the Montecito bookstore
Asked about the issue Mary Sheldon, owner of the library of Montecito, explained why he decided not to keep the Prince Harry's book Featured:
“Since it came out to now, I've only sold thirty copies. I think most people here think of it as a soap opera."
In short, total freezing, although it's nothing compared to that in England.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are the most hated among the English Royals, but King Charles III wants to make peace
Il Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, according to a survey conducted by YouGov, are currently i members of the Royal Family most hated by the British, with as many as 64% of subjects having negative opinions on them.
Il Prince William and Kate Middleton, in contrast to them, remain i most loved, even if the approval rating for them has dropped since the publication of Spare-The minor.
However, despite this "really unedifying" result and which also puts their participation in thecoronation of King Charles III, it seems that King Charles III still intend to reconcile with his son and, even, it seems that he wants to have a private meeting with him before the coronation to try to settle differences with him e stop exit of the others three shocking books scheduled and of which Spare-The minor "represented" only the appetizer.
Read also:
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: quarrel in the street, the police intervene
Prince Harry criticizes his brother's house: we Ikea them a museum