Is FantaSanremo closing forever? What happens and why

Fans are very excited for every edition of Sanremo, especially since the game of We will fantasize which makes them an active part. A post posted by the official Fantsanremo page, however, worries fans. The famous Sanremo game closes definitively with the 2024 edition? Here's what's happening.
Why is Fantasanremo closing?
We will fantasize bids farewell to his audience, closing an important chapter in the history of the Sanremo Festival. There decision surprises: from simple entertainment born in a provincial corner, We will fantasize it has transformed itself into an authentic institution, garnering the favor of a large audience and the interest of numerous sponsors. Communication on social media leaves no doubt: the edition that has just concluded makes a mark the end of a five-year journey.
FantaSanremo 2024 ends here. A cycle that lasted 5 years is coming to an end and has changed our lives and perhaps yours too. You can find all the updated scores and rankings on the site and app.
— FantaSanremo (@FantaSanremo) February 11, 2024
Thank you all! ❤️#we will fantasize #sanremo #sanremo2024 #scores #rankings
Fans are hoping for a joke
The internet immediately came alive with comments and speculation. Users, with disbelief, they wonder if it is really the definitive end or it could be a simple joke, or even a misunderstanding, of the page.
Among fans of the game, the confusion reigns supreme, with requests for clarification and hopes for an announcement that can deny the closure. The concern of being abandoned in a moment already made difficult by the farewell of iconic figures of the Festival is tangible, as is the fear that the decision could be influenced by external dynamics, perhaps political.