Reading Meetings in Voce Alta in Naples: debates and readings in the name of Restlessness

High Voice Reading Meetings

Restlessness and all its nuances will be the protagonists of the review "Lettura a Voce Alta"

From 24 to 28 of November 2015, the auditoriums, libraries, high schools and institutes of Naples and Pozzuoli will host "High Voice Reading Meetings " the famous literary review dedicated to reading.

The ninth edition of the initiative, organized by the City of Naples and Pozzuoli and organized by the Soup Associations, A Voce Alta and The Page that was not there, will immerse all the participants on an interesting introspective journey whose the main theme will be the "restlessness".

Everything will be addressed with the help of interesting meetings with actors, directors, psychologists and professors that will investigate the facts of chronicle through literature, philosophy and psychology as explained by Alessandra Calvo, president of Soup.

Among the known faces that will participate in the project there will be Stefano Benni, Lucrezia Lante della Rovere, Gabriele Frasca, Domenico Basile, Patrizia di Martino, Fabio Geda, Gea Martyr, Nicandro del Barone, and many other famous characters.

"High Voice Reading Encounters" will not only be a cultural event, but also a precious opportunity to bring the public in Naples closer to the reading with the noble commitment of spread it even in difficult neighborhoods of the city.

An important initiative therefore to discover the pleasure of reading as a moment of sharing, meeting, dialogue and social cohesion.


Tuesday November 24

  • Auditorium Nosengo, former nosengo school - 9.30 am: Fabio Geda meets the schools of La pagina che non'è
  • Eleonora State High School Pimentel Fonseca - 17.30 hours: opening of the event. Patrizia Di Martino reads Pasolini - 18.00 hours: meeting with Gabriele Frasca and Il sacro romano emporium. Ultraliberalism and fundamentalism in science fiction.

Wednesday November 25

  • National Library of the American / Venezuelan section - 16.00 pm: the Reading Lusophile group, led by Regina Célia Pereiera da Silva, reads and comments on pages taken from The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa
  • Ubik Library - 18.00 hours: Stefano Fedele of Optimagazine meets Umberto Cortese, author of Il peso del vuoto.

Thursday November 26 2015

  • Comprehensive State Institute Don Giustino Russolillo - 9.30 hours: The restlessness in the story by Mariaflora de Ioanni and Carolina d'Isanto
  • Library of the Neapolitan Society of Homeland History Castelnuovo - 10.00 hours: Reading of the boys of the upper secondary schools of Naples and the province
  • Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca State High School - 17.30 hours: Unquietude as a dimension of existence, by Dr. Cristina Dicolandrea.

Friday 27 November 2015

  • Vittorio Veneto Hotel Institute - 10.30 hours: Meeting with Domenico Basile, curator of Lo cunto de li Cunti
  • Pythagorean State High School - 11.30 hours: meeting with Maurizio Torchio - 15.00 hours: Raffaele Tripodi, Ciaj Rocchi and Matteo Demonte meet the students of The page that was not there
  • Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca State High School - 17.00 hours: meeting with Miriam Rebhun, author of the book Due della brigata. Heinz and Gughy from Nazi Germany to the birth of Israel. - 18.00 hours: meeting with the actress Lucrezia Lante della Rovere

Saturday November 28 2015

  • Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca State High School - 10.00 hours: meeting with Stefano Benni

Information on High Voice Reading Meetings

When: from the 24 28 2015 November
Where: libraries, institutes and auditoriums of Naples and Pozzuoli
Working time: between 9: 30 and 18: 00 hours
Ticket price: Loano train station
Information: 329 1399296 - 339 1144572 | | Facebook page

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