IT Alert, Campi Flegrei exercise alert on 11 October 2024

The 11 October 2024 at 17pm an important exercise related to the volcanic risk in the area of Campi FlegreiThe event, called Exe Flegrei 2024, will see the Regional Civil Protection simulates a possible imminent eruption scenario, testing the public warning system for the first time in Italy IT-Alert on this specific type of emergency.
What is the EXE Flegrei 2024 exercise
Exe Flegrei 2024 is an exercise that will simulate volcanic activity in the Campi Flegrei, one of the areas with the highest volcanic risk in Italy. During the simulation, a possible transition to the phase of alarm for an impending eruption.
These are crucial exercises to prepare the authorities and the population to respond quickly in case of real danger, thus improving emergency management.

What will happen on October 11, 2024 and what message will we receive?
Friday, October 11, 2024, at 17:00 p.m., all citizens present in the territory of the Campania region receive a IT-Alert test message on their cell phones. The message will simulate a warning of possible volcanic activity to Campi Flegrei and will serve to verify the effectiveness of the warning system.
It is important to remember that This is a simulation and not of a real dangerous situation.
Here the message text:
This is a TEST IT-Alert message. A SIMULATION of possible volcanic activity at Campi Flegrei is underway.
How the IT Alert system works

The system IT-Alert, active since 13 February 2024, is designed to send alert messages directly to cell phones in case of emergencies such as earthquakes, floods or, as in this case, volcanic activity. We have already covered it previously when there were TESTS, so you find our guide to how IT Alert works on our portal.
The exercise Exe Flegrei 2024 It will be an important opportunity to test the effectiveness of the system in a specific scenario.
The tests aim to verify:
- Telephone network coverage.
- How cells work.
- The correct sending and receiving of alert messages.
- The behavior of people receiving the message.
How to participate and how to provide feedback
During the days of the exercise, citizens who are in the area involved will be able to access the site, where there will be a dedicated page for the event where we can leave feedback.
This is an important operation because it provides very useful elements to those who manage the technology. On the site we will be able to:
- View the message which would be sent in case of real danger.
- Fill out a questionnaire to provide feedback on your experience, even if you don't receive any notifications on your phone.
Citizens' contribution is essential to improve the alert system and ensure that it is increasingly effective, remember to leave feedback!
- Where: Campania
- When: Friday 11 October 2024, from 17pm
- Price: the event is free