Holy Mass August 15th on TV, at what time and where to see it
Il August 15th, 2024 marks a special date for the Catholic community: the celebration of Santa Mass of mid-August. Also known as the religious festival ofAssumption of Mary, this anniversary is of great importance both from a religious and historical point of view. The day is characterized by the celebrations that take place in Saint Peter Square, and for the extensive television coverage that allows believers from all over the country to spiritually join the event.
Where the mass of August 2023th XNUMX takes place
La Santa Mass di Ferragosto 2024 is broadcast from the Basilica Santa Maria di Collemaggio in L'Aquila.
The Ferragosto holiday has its origins in the Latin phrase "Feriae Augusti", in honor ofEmperor Augustus of Ancient Rome.
Where to see the August XNUMX mass on TV
The transmission of Santa Mass of August 2024th XNUMX will be available on various television networks. Rai 1 will offer complete coverage, with the connection starting at 10.50 am and mass at 11 am.
Around 12 it will be the turn of theAugust XNUMX Angelus chaired by Pope Francesco. Instead, come on Channel 5 the transmission of the Mass is not foreseen. Tv2000 will broadcast the Santa Mass celebrated by the Pope starting at 12.
What time is the mass of August 2023th XNUMX
For those who wish to follow the celebration, go on Rai 1 Mass will begin at 11:00. But already give 10:50 the connection will start. THE'Angelus of August XNUMXth chaired by Pope Francesco It is expected around 3:00 pm 12.00. Regarding Tv2000, the mass will be broadcast starting at 11:00.