Strike December 13, TAR annuls Salvini's order, 24-hour strike

Naples metro line 1, Municipio stop

Il Lazio Regional Administrative Court has restored the strike of 24 hours called by the unions for Friday 13 December, canceling the ordinance of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Salvini which limited its duration to just 4 hours.

The decision had an immediate impact, which will allow the strike to proceed according to the initial plan.

The decision of the Lazio TAR

Un judge of the TAR of Lazio issued a monocratic precautionary decree, an emergency measure that immediately suspended the ministerial ordinance. A decision taken quickly, it was immediately adopted to ensure respect for trade union rights and, as a monocratic decree, does not allow appeals.

The unions, who had filed the appeal against the ordinance of the minister Matteo Salvini, welcomed the sentence as a important victory, reiterating the need to safeguard the right to strike.

What Salvini had done, the conscription

Il Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, led by the minister Matteo Salvini, had signed an order that limited the duration of the strike of the means of Friday 13 December in sole 4 hours.
The decision was motivated by the need to reduce inconvenience to citizens and to ensure a balance between the right to strike and the provision of essential services.

The ordinance, however, concerned only the transport sector and did not include other work areas. Despite the arguments of the ministry, the unions contested this choice, considering it a arbitrary limitation to the right to strike.

So what will be the strike times on December 13, 2024?

The strike reinstated by the TAR will take place from 21:00 pm on Thursday 12 December to 21:00 pm on Friday 13 December, with a total duration of 24 hours.
The strike will involve several key sectors, including:

  • Rail transport, with possible cancellations or delays on regional and long-distance trains and stop from 21pm from Thursday 12th December until 21: 00 on Friday 13 December
  • Local public transport, which could cause disruption to buses, trams and subways in cities.
    • Rome: Possible interruptions on the ATAC network from 9:00 to 17:30 and from 19:00 to 21:00
    • Torino: GTT services (urban-suburban, metropolitan) guaranteed only in the time slot 6:00-9:00
    • Napoli: ANM services (tram, bus, trolleybus) with guaranteed departures from 5:30 to 8:30 and from 17:00 to 20:00.
  • Maritime transport, with repercussions on connections to the islands.

However, the workers of the aviation sector, who have moved their protest to Sunday, December 15.

The school sector could also be affected by the unrest, with absences of teaching and non-teaching staff.

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