Mare Fuori 3, presented a new character: Cucciolo (Francesco Panarella)

In one or of the videos made by the tiktoker Neapolitan, passionate about Mare Fuori, they can be glimpsed new characters of Mare Fuori. Fans are eagerly awaiting the third season and in the meantime they consult the many previews arrived via social networks.

In one of the videos that filmed the scenes we could see a boy with very long hair, but we didn't know if it was just an extra or even one of the characters who usually make up one of the many Camorra gangs. But no, she seems to be a character who will play an important role in the third season.

Cucciolo, the new character of Mare Fuori played by Francesco Panarella

Francis Panarella has just landed on social media, it was presented to him Studio Emme, right through Instagram, posting both some photos of the young man on the set and the name of the character, known as Cucciolo, on the personal sign of the set of Mare Fuori 3 (probably indicating his dressing room).

Who is Francesco Panarella (Puppy of the Sea Outside)?

Here what do we know about this actor which for the first time will play important stages such as that of Mare Fuori:

  • Name and surname: Francesco Giuseppe Panarella
  • Sesso: Maschio
  • Height: 187 cm
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eyes Color: Black
  • Italian nationality
  • English language
  • Level: Excellent
  • French language
  • School level
  • Language: Spanish
  • School level
  • Dialects: Neapolitan
  • Hobbies and Sports: MMA, Kickboxing, Horse Riding, Gym
  • Musical instruments: Drums

His Instagram nickname is thunderingsea. What role will Francesco Panarella play in the cast of Mare Fuori? We don't know exactly yet, but there seem to be some very interesting prospects from his face!

Other interesting news about Mare Fuori

Image Credits: cover photo @studioemmeofficial
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