When does Mare Fuori 3 come out? Spoilers, new actors and photos from the set

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Among the most viewed TV series on Netflix we also Sea Out, a fiction set in Napoli. We have had the pleasure of talking about it several times, in fact, it has achieved success international, actors they showed great talent and the location they attracted multiple spectators, just as the new one wanted Netflix's tourism strategy.

But what do we know about the season number 3 of Mare Fuori?

When Mare out comes out 3: in 2023.

After the first rumors that we were talking about an arrival in the course of 2022, we learned that Mare fuori 3 will be released in 2023, perhaps in February. This is confirmed by both the director Silvestrini is Joseph Iodice via Instagram. In the last post, in fact, Iodice declares that Mare Fuori 3 will arrive in 2023 on Rai2. We do not know if it will also arrive on Netflix at the same time.

The first photos from the set

The famous actress Caroline Crescentini, who plays the director of the IPM in Mare Fuori, has published in her own instagram stories some foto directly from the set of fiction! One in which there is the famous "ciak" of the series and one in which she is with two other actors: Lucrezia Guidone (who confirms her presence in season 3 of Mare Fuori) and the actor who plays Massimo, head of security of the IPM.

Here they are below:

From Carolina Crescentini's Instagram stories
From Carolina Crescentini's Instagram stories

The Ivan Silvestrini, director of Mare Fuori, has published some new photos

The Christian Farina, creator and screenwriter of the fiction “Mare fuori”, posts new photos and videos from the set on Instagram.

The new entries in the Cast di Mare fuori 3

The latest rumors have allowed us to discover that among the newcomers in the cast of Mare Fuori we have the actress, and also a singer, Clara Succini. The girl would post a photo from the set along with the rest of the characters.

The Lucrezia Guidone should become part of the TV series. A film and theater actress best known for Girl in the Mist (2017), Black Moon - Netflix (2020) and Summertime Netflix (2021-2022).

Furthermore, they were officially presented other new characters who will take part in the Mare Fuori series.

  • Puppy: a young long-haired boy, played by Francesco Panarella
  • Elena: a character played by Daniela Ioia, an actress already famous for Gomorrah.
  • "The Pusher": still unconfirmed, but widespread, the character played by Emy Buono de La Pupa and Il Secchione who could be linked to Pino.

Mare Fuori 3: will Commander Massimo die?

We talked about it in a dedicated article, a hearse was seen arriving on the set of Mare Fuori 3. Does this mean that there will be a new death at the Naples juvenile prison? The hypothesis is high and in the comments users even talk about the death of the Commanding (Massimo, played by Carmine Recano) since the color of the coffin is brown and not white like that which could be designated for a minor (the boys being detained in the juvenile prison are all under 18 years old).

Will Viola and Kubra di Mare Fuori be a couple?

Lo scandal of the nun which blocked the scene in which the two actresses of Mare Fuori were kissing attracted the attention of fans. Kubra and Viola will kiss and will they be the first homosexual couple in the series? For now they are just rumors and we do not know if it was a photo shoot in itself.

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The two actresses and models, Serena de Ferrari and Kyshan Wilson, protagonists of the TV series "Mare Fuori", were kissing on the set of a photo shoot when the nun intervened to separate them #informatisutiktok #Naples #lgbt #shooting #religion

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How the second season of Mare Fuori ended

Attention, in this paragraph there are spoilers of the first and second season.

While the first season ends with the shocking death of Ciro, at the hands of Filippo and not of Carmine, the second season ends with Toto who is taken away from the IPM and transferred to Poggioreale, a non-juvenile prison, for Nina's murder (Carmine's girlfriend. Totò is in fact the culprit, his target was Carmine (unjustly accused of Ciro's death) but it fell to the new mother Nina to lose her life.

photo fanpage.it

The other characters, on the other hand, follow their own destiny. Teresa breaks up with Edoardo, Gaetano (the louse) reconciles with his parents, the wife of Massimo he returns to Naples to find his son with his father, Carmine spends time with his daughter Futura, while still in juvenile prison, and finally, Naditza e Filippo, they return free and happily engaged.

New photos from the Mare Fuori 3 set

Matteo Paolillo (Edward)

Nicolas Maupas (Filippo) and Massimiliano Caiazzo (Carmine Di Salvo)

Carmine Recano, Commander Massimo, on the set of Mare Fuori 3

Matteo Paolillo (Edoardo) and his motivations as an actor

Will Filippo di Mare Fuori leave the series?

The latest indiscretion concerns the character of Filippo who apparently finished filming earlier. Does this mean that he will leave the series? This possible preview comes via a fan who posted on Twitter some photos posted by the rest of the crew that seem to be just a greeting to Nicolas. More information in the appropriate article.

Edoardo will die in Mare Fuori 3

The latest news features a preview of the death of Edoardo di Mare Fuori in the third season. The guy will further tighten his relationship with Liz, the prison guard, and will hide in his house for escape from prison where certain death at the hands of Camorra clans awaits.

Subsequently, 'the actress of Liz posted a scene in which she cries consoled by Massimo, the commander, and everything seems to lead to Edo's death. In addition, a photo was also published in which Edoardo's official companion, as well as the mother of his daughter, is dressed in black.

Other interesting news about Mare Fuori

cover photo source: Film Commissions
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