Sanremo 2023, Chiara Ferragni and the nude dress of the last evening

After the huge success achieved in the early evening, Chiara Ferragni come back for the last evening of the Festival of Sanremo 2023, by now already an expert and already with an already defined philosophy: to highlight the importance of the role of woman, a modern, free, autonomous role.

He immediately stated that he had amused very much during the early evening; therefore, she proved to be more than happy. In the audience is present all the family, which wasn't there during the premiere. The mother, sister and husband Fedez were framed.

Il dress she wears, electric blue, is accompanied by a golden sculpture that covers the décolleté. Right away Morandi he takes advantage of it to understand if it was painted or if it was a sculpture and, also seeing from the sound of the knock di Gianni, we understand that it is a sculpture made especially for her. A sort of armor to highlight the importance of being a warrior for a woman, who can be something other than being a mother.

The meaning of the dress of the final episode of Ferragni by Schiaparelli

The Woman and Warrior Mother

Be women without having to be considered only as mothers. The female fight against the guilt of wanting reconcile everything was the theme we asked @danielroseberry to develop for this dress made by the @schiaparelli maison.

The hardness armor gold carved on Clare's breasts represents a force which does not need to imitate that male to be considered of equal level.

While the petticoat of satin is painted blue because it has always been the colore associated with sacredness of maternity represented here as stereotype of the woman feeding a golden child.

Don't be considered alone reproductive systems it's the choice you fight for every single day!

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