Mare Fuori 3, an unedited ending on Rai 2, will Ciro appear?

Starting from 15 February 2023, the series made its triumphal arrival on Rai 2 in prime time, continuing to collect audience record. However, many have already followed the series on RaiPlay (where all 12 episodes are available), but in reality the recent rumors speak of a unedited ending. Yes, on March 22 in the finale on Rai 2 of Mare Fuori they could be there surprise two minutes.

A different ending for Mare Fuori 3 on Rai 2

As you will remember, in the season finale aired on RaiPlay, we see three characters "fight" in one of the excellent locations in Naples. Carmine, ____ and the father of the latter (Salvatore Ricci) are found in the Piscina Mirabilis and they are fighting to recover the gun in Rosa's hands, the three end up behind a column and the spectator hears one shot: we do not know, however, who was injured.

According to recent rumors, about Rai 2 there will be gods exclusive minutes which will arrive in the season finale. A few minutes would be enough to reveal who was responsible for that bullet and if it injured anyone.

Fans hope to be able to meet Cyrus Ricci, given that a preview photo of the actor runs on the web James George which is right in the same place on a flight of steps near the clash between Rosa, Carmine and Salvatore.

The final episode "The choice" of Mare Fuori 3 will be broadcast on 22 March 2023 on Rai 2.

An unedited 2-minute finale on Rai 2

New confirmations are arriving regarding this incredible news. The unedited ending there really could be and it would only last 2 minutes. in 120 seconds viewers could see everything, especially the long-awaited return of Ciro.

Spoilers on Mare Fuori 3 and 4

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