Luca Onestini comments on Nikita's victory at GF VIP 7

Il Big Brother Vip has just finished, but the discussions about the program continue, especially thanks to the statements of the participants such as Luca Onestin, who expresses his opinion on the relationships with the other contestants and on the winner, Nikita Pelizon.
Luca Onestini's opinion on Nikita Pelizon
In an interview with Casa Chi, Luca Onestini shared his thoughts on the victory of Nikita Pelizon in the well-known Canale 5 reality show. At the beginning of the program, there was between the two created a good relationship, but it is deteriorated over time due to some misunderstandings. So what is Luca's opinion on the model's victory?
After 197 days, we have arrived at the moment of truth: the public has decided that to win this edition of #Gfvip it's… NIKITA! ?
- Big Brother (@GrandeFratello) April 3, 2023
With great diplomacy, Honest claimed to not rooting against anyone, although he would have preferred the victory of competitors closest to him and with whom he shared a friendship: “I wasn't rooting for Nikita, but he won. So congratulations“. Luke considers himself one good person and states that he will continue to act accordingly. However, she did not fail to express some stinging criticisms:
“I had seen that he had lost his close friends and I didn't want him to live in isolation. It seemed peculiar to me that the part she played was believed, but that's okay. The public has decided to reward this attitude, you already have a script for the next edition”.
Luca Onestin think, therefore, that Nikita Pelizon has "played a role" that the public has decided to reward. Consequently, always in your opinion, you should continue on this line. While deeming the situation "exaggerated", she understands that everyone makes their own choices in life:
“I don't believe so much in these things here, but there is no hatred. I congratulate her, may she enjoy life".
Read also: who is Nikita Pelizon, the winner of the GF VIP 7