The Ladies' Paradise 8, previews from February 26th to March 1st

Mary and Ciro in The Ladies' Paradise 8
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The Ladies' Paradise 8 will continue to keep us in suspense throughout the week too from 26 February to 1 March 2024. He will be a great protagonist, we will see, Maria. After the choice to confess to Vito her true feelings for Matteo, hers life has gone to pieces and the consequences will keep coming, again, one after another. Matteo, returning from America, will come to know that the girl he loves is single again and you can bet that she will try in every way to enter her life fully. But she doesn't end there! Curious to find out the main details on the next plots at Paradiso? Here they are!

Il Paradiso delle Ladies 8, Ciro and Concetta fight over Maria?

Ciro, one of the most beloved characters of Il Paradiso delle Signore will be among the protagonists of the new episodes. The head of the Puglisi family will find out what happened in her daughter's private life Maria (it was inevitable!). She will find out about the young woman's relationship and feelings for Matteo and will have a really important reaction. He will accuse Maria of having ruined a real fairy tale, or the one with Vito, and he will get even more angry when he notices that Concetta will take her daughter's side.

According to the woman, their job as parents is to make sure their daughter follows her feelings and is happy. Ciro will not agree at all and the two they will continue to argue in a very animated manner without either of them taking a step back. On the contrary, Concetta may be about to make an unexpected decision! And all this while Maria, in the meantime, will feel worse and worse!

Matteo returns from America and discovers that Maria is single

Based on the previews, during the week ending March 1st, we will witness the Matteo Portelli's return to Milan. The boy will finally return to Italy after going through one of the most difficult moments of his life. In an attempt to fully resume his life, he will learn that, during his absence, Maria is single again.

At this point, knowing her feelings, it is certain that he will try in every way to be with her. Marcello will also learn that Maria and Vito will no longer marry and that the cause is his brother Matteo. He will be stunned!

Charity event for Marta in Il Paradiso delle Signore 8

Matilde will be a great protagonist inorganization of a charity event which will have a very important purpose. In fact, with the funds raised, it will be possible to support the Marta's plan to open a family home for the most needy people and those with obvious social problems. A project hindered by many but which, from the first moment, found the support of her ex, Vittorio, triggering, among other things, the jealousy of Frigerio.

Marta still in love with Vittorio?

La closeness with Vittorio will resurface, with all their power, in Marta, the feelings for him. An awareness that will lead her to suffer a lot since she knows well that her ex-husband is now happily engaged to Matilde. A love for which, then, she trembled quite a bit and which, finally, the two are able to enjoy in the sunlight!

The rediscovery of a love that she thought had passed will disturb her so much nephew of Guarnieri which, we can tell you right now, could happen very soon arrive at a drastic decision. There are rumors of a transfer to Ginevra from the Countess. Will it really be like that?

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