Endless Love changes time, on May 10th also broadcast in the evening

Nihan and Kemal happy in Endless Love

Plot twist for all fans of Endless Love that, in the evening of Friday 10 May 2024, they will be able to watch their favorite soap broadcast on Channel 5. A strategic move by the Biscione leaders who, in doing so they will counter the competition of Rai Uno and, moreover, they will test the potential of the series also in the late evening. Follow us, we are about to reveal all the details.

Endless Love, schedule change on May 10, 2024

Endless Love it will also be broadcast in the evening. It will happen, for the first time (and most likely not the last!) in evening of Friday 10 May 2024. If Canale 5, in fact, will begin the evening with the episode of Bitter land, just to follow, from approximately 23pm, the appointment with the new soap will begin which will be broadcast for about an hour, until approximately 00:30.

Why is Endless Love also broadcast in the evening?

Endless Love will air in the late evening of Friday 10 May 2024 to guarantee, after Terra Amara, the continuation of one against programming against the first Rai network where, on Friday evening, Milly Carlucci will debut with “L'Acchiappa Telenti”. On the other hand, with the final of Terra Amara approaching, this will be a good one test to find out if the events of Nihan & Co. will catalyze the attention of fans also in the evening as has been the case in the afternoon for over a month now.

Nihan at the center of the May 10, 2024 episode

Nihan will be a great protagonist of the episode of Endless Love broadcast on Friday night. For the young girl, in fact, the moment will come to be the revealer of a great secret and, at the same time, the recipient of a hidden secret. In fact, he will reveal Emir's blackmail to Kemal towards Ozan for whom she was then forced to marry him. She will learn, however, that her parents have lied to her all her life: Leyla is, in reality, his aunt and no one ever told him!

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