Terra Amara, plot of the evening episode of May 2nd on Canale 5

Zuleyha shocked in Bitter Land

Time Left just over three weeks until the final of Terra Amara that, from 2 May, it will be broadcast on Canale 5 in the evening on Thursdays instead of Fridays (dedicated, instead, to “Purple like the sea 2”). A heart-pounding appointment awaits us in which Hakan will be a great protagonist, as will Zuleyha. But how could it be otherwise? Yet another tragedy, among other things, will loom on the horizon... But, for the moment, are you ready to discover what will happen in the episode of May 2, 2024 on Canale 5? Follow us, we are about to reveal it to you!

Hakan looking for Zuleyha

To escape from Hamran, who wants to kill him, Hakan proposed to Zuleyha that they leave for a sort of honeymoon, together with the children. She has however, he failed to tell her the truth about the fact that a dangerous boss is looking for him to take him out (and he almost didn't!). Zuleyha, however, discovered everything and for this, he left the hotel in which she was a guest together with her husband, leaving together with Leyla and Adnan.

Hakan will be very worried for her disappearance and, intent on finding her at any cost, he will talk to Fikret and ask for his help. Too bad that Zuleyha will be certain that she does not want to see or hear from the husband by whom she will feel betrayed. Altun will change her mind only thanks to Fikret's intercession. It will be so that Hakan he will convince his wife to return to the villa, promising her that he would solve everything without any bloodshed.

Azize disappears in Bitter Land, where did she end up?

When he decided to leave, Zuleyha entrusted granny Azize to Cevriye, advising her to take care of it as best as possible. The woman, however, will get distracted and lose sight the old lady who, in no time at all, will disappear. By the time Cevriye realizes it will be late: where will the granny have gone.

Everyone will start looking for her: Gaffur will organize a search party and there will be great concern at the villa. We will discover, then, the reason why Azize will have disappeared: some of Cevriye's comments will have offended her to the point of no longer wanting to be assisted by her!

Fekeli murder solved?

At the Cotton Mill, meanwhile, Ismail will warn Fikret that someone is looking for him. He will tell him that it is a certain one Ali Raza. Fikret's amazement is great and, together with Cetin, he will immediately go to him to talk to him. The they will convince him to go to the prosecutor and confess to having killed Ali Rahmet Fekeli on Abdulkadir's orders.

Thus, we will learn that Fekeli's death was an assassination. Hakan, meanwhile, will find Hamran: together with Abdulkadir he will try to convince the man that he had nothing to do with his father's death without, however, succeeding. At this point, big twist: Abdulkadir, tired of wasting time, will put an end to everything by shooting him. Hamran will die.. Now what?

We will find out very soon what will happen! The appointment with Bitter land è per Thursday 2 May 2024, from approximately 21pm, on Canale 30.

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