Stop Endless Love from August 12, 2024, when will it return? Find it out!

Kemal and Nihan close in Endless Love

The week of August is approaching and with it the various television stations have thought about decisive changes in direction. The schedules will, in some ways, be distorted. This is the case of Endless Love: if initially it was thought to stop the Turkish soap only on August 15th, now it is official longer break that will last several days. Discover all the details with us.

Endless Love suspended, that's when

This is the first summer we have spent in the company of Endless Love which, we remember, debuted in late spring after the conclusion of Terra Amara. To date, Kemal and Nihan, just like Zuleyha and Yilmaz, have entered the hearts of millions of fans who, every day, in daytime, follow their events.

This is why many did not welcome the news that the soap will go on vacation for several days. It is currently certain that will not be broadcast from 12 to 16 August 2024 but, according to some sources, it seems that this stop is destined to be prolonged also in the following week (however, we will confirm this later!).

On Channel 5, in the meantime, The Family will air (from approximately 14pm to 10pm) and, to follow, XL events will be broadcast The promise.

When does Endless Love come back on air?

After the summer break, Endless Love will be back on air regularly, always on Canale 5 and always at 14pm, immediately after Beautiful. According to what has been confirmed so far, the resumption should take place on the day of Monday 19 August 2024 but, we reiterate, should the stop be prolonged, we will notify you of the new official date of return to normality.

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