Un Posto al Sole, preview episodes from 12 to 16 August

Fans of A Place in the Sun, are you ready to enjoy a completely special week of the Neapolitan soap? So hold on tight because if you particularly loved the 28th season, if you were terrified, excited, identified with the events of Palazzo Palladini and its surroundings, you can do it again.
If UPAS, in fact, will be officially on holiday with unpublished episodes, waiting for the 29th season, we will be able to enjoy the “The Stories of UPAS”. This year, Rosa will be the one to make us retrace the most significant moments of the year just ended. Ready to discover what will happen from 12th to 16th August? Follow us!
Plot of Un Posto al Sole “The Stories” of Monday 12 August 2024
How excited we were story of little Tommaso? So let's get ready because in today's episode we will retrace the main stages of his life and his drama, in particular since he was entrusted to Marina and Roberto.
Plot of Un Posto al Sole “The Stories” of Tuesday 13 August 2024
Guido and Mariella they kept us anxious until the end of the 28th season and left us with a question to which we hope to find an answer soon: will they break up? Meanwhile, in today's episode we will relive their story and, above all, the crisis which brought them to what seems to all intents and purposes to be the end of their love.
Plot of Un Posto al Sole “The Stories” of Wednesday 14 August 2024
Rosa and Damiano, Viola and Eugenio: for how long did the lives of these protagonists first touch each other and then intertwine? Here we will find ourselves reviewing the stages that led each of these two couples to the separation with the consequent union between Viola and Damiano.
Plot of Un Posto al Sole “The Stories” of Thursday 15 August 2024
On the day of August, Thursday 15 August 2024, Un Posto al Sole will not be broadcast not even in the “Stories” variant. It will therefore be a day of total stop.
Plot of Un Posto al Sole “The Stories” of Friday 16 August 2024
This first week of “The Stories” will end with another of the events that kept us in suspense. We'll revisit the interference of the underworld in the historic center, the attempts to take away Rosa's house up until the events that led to it Diana in hospital, poised between life and death.