Why doesn't Eva return in I Cesaroni? Alessandra Mastronardi answers

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After the official announcement of the seventh season of The Cesaroni, fans have been wondering which historical faces will return to the Canale 5 fiction. If the return of Claudio Amendola, Antonello Fassari and Max Tortora It was welcomed with enthusiasm, a great absence left a bitter taste in the mouths of the spectators: Eva Cudicini, played by Alessandra Mastronardi, will not be in the cast. But why did the actress choose not to participate? Let's look at her statements and the reasons behind this decision.

Alessandra Mastronardi said no: but why?

After weeks of speculation, Alessandra Mastronardi has clarified once and for all the reason for her absence. During an interview given to NerdShow of Bologna, revealed that he never received a call from production to return. So, contrary to what many thought, it was not his direct decision.

The actress then added that, even if it had been proposed to her, he would not have accepted for a question of coherence with his artistic path. “For me the cycles are closing”, he declared, stressing that returning to play Eva after so many years would make no sense and who prefers to focus on new projects.

Will Eva Die in Season 7? The Character's Fate

With the absence of Eva, the series will have to find a way to narratively justify his failure to return. According to some rumors, the character could be eliminated in a dramatic exit, perhaps through an accident or an event that will upset Marco and their daughter.

This could give the story a more mature edge and allow the writers to build new dynamics between the protagonists, without having to force the return of an actress who chose not to reprise her role.

Fans divided over his absence

The news has divided the public:

  • Some accept the choice, recognizing that time has passed and that reviving certain stories after almost 20 years might not work.
  • Others are disappointed, because the relationship between Eva and Marco was one of the cornerstones of the series and without her the revival could lose some of its charm.

Cesaroni 7 will continue without Eva

Despite the absence of Alessandra Mastronardi, the production has ensured that The Cesaroni 7 will maintain the original spirit of the series, with new stories and family dynamics involving the historical protagonists and some new characters.

Eva's exit could represent a turning point for Marco and for the growth of their daughter, who will have a key role in the new season. To find out how it will end, we just have to wait for the series to return to Canale 5 in 2025.

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