The Sibyl's Cave in Cuma (Naples)

Antro of the Sibyl

The Antro

The so-called Sybil's Cave is a gallery of Greek-Roman period placed near the Archaeological Park of Cuma.

It has often been identified with the place where the Sibilla Cumana he would have pronounced his own oracles, but scholars today tend to get it out. It is likely that it was a gallery built in defensive purpose for the city and the port below.

The gallery, abandoned in the twelfth century following the depopulation of the town of Cumae, was discovered by the archaeologist Amedeo Maiuri in the thirties of the last century.

Information on the Sibilla's Cave in Cuma

Opening time:     

  • Every day from 9: 00 to an hour before sunset
  • Closed the 1 January, the 1 May and the 25 December
  • Cumulative visit with the Archaeological Park of Cuma
  • the ticket office closes an hour earlier

Price tickets:

  • Adults: € 4
  • Reduced for young people and students from 18 to 24 years: € 2
  • Free: Citizens under 18 of the European Community and non-EU citizens, Italian teaching staff of the permanent school or with a fixed-term contract upon presentation of suitable certification issued by the educational institutions, first Sunday of each month


How to get:

  • Address: Antro della Sibilla in Cuma, Provincial Road Cuma Licola - 80078 Pozzuoli (NA)
  • From Piazza Garibaldi: L2 metro line, Montesanto station, Cumana to Montesanto, Torregaveta stop, then circumflegrea, Cuma stop, continue on foot.
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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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