A Saturday Night at the Museum, evening openings of museums in Naples and Campania

Stairs of the Royal Palace of Caserta
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A Saturday Night at the Museum provides extraordinary evening openings every Saturday night for the museums of Naples and Campania

New initiative of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (MiBACT) which provides for theevening opening of the museums until December. Also museums a Napoli and Campania will be involved to offer visitors other opportunities for discovering their heritage and cultural development.

From the 27 June to the 19 December 2015 four museums will be open between Naples and Campania, with admission fee and possibility to visit from 20.00 am to 24.00 pm.

After the Franceschini decree that established #DomenicalMuseo, with free museums every first Sunday of the month, and the success of the public at every appointment, even Un Sabato Notte al Museo is presumed to record participation records.

Moreover, as confirmed by MiBACT, the aim is also to meet the needs of citizens and tourists by offering opening hours more extensive and flexible.
The museums open in Naples are the National archeologic museum and the Museum of Capodimonte, while the sites opened in Campania are the Palace of Caserta, National Archaeological Museum of Paestum e Archaeological Park, Ruins of Pompeii and Excavations of Herculaneum.

Museums open in Naples and Campania

National archeologic museum
Piazza Museo Nazionale, 19 - Naples
Contacts: 0814422149 | 0814422111 | man-na@beniculturali.it
Hours: 20.00 - 24.00 (ticket office closes 23.00)

Museum of Capodimonte
Via Miano, 2 - Naples
Contacts: 0817499111 | 081749915 | 848800288 | mu-cap.capodimonte@beniculturali.it
Hours: 20.00 - 24.00 (ticket office closes 23.00)

Palace of Caserta
Via Douhet, 2a - Caserta
Contacts: 0823277468 | 0823277443 | reggia-ce@beniculturali.it
Hours: 20.00 - 24.00 (ticket office closes 23.15)
Evening visits to the Historic Apartments of the Royal Palace of Caserta

National Archaeological Museum of Paestum and Archaeological Park
Via Magna Grecia, 919 - Capaccio (SA)
Contacts: 0828811023 | sar-cam.paestum@beniculturali.it
Hours: 20.00 - 24.00 (ticket office closes 23.15)
Price: admission € 7,00 (museum + exhibition: Imagining city. Tales of mythical foundations, form and functions of the city of Campania)

Ruins of Pompeii

Via Villa of the Mysteries, 2 - Pompeii (NA)
Contacts: 0818575111 - 0818575347
Hours: 20.00 - 24.00 (ticket office closes 23.30)
Price: full 13,00 € | reduced 7,50 €

Excavations of Herculaneum

Resin Course, 187 - Herculaneum (NA)
Contacts: 0818575111 - 0818575347
Hours: 20.00 - 24.00 (ticket office closes 23.30)
Price: full 13,00 € | reduced 7,50 €

Recall that from July to October 2015, every Saturday evening you can participate in specific visits to the excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum, with routes designed by the Special Superintendence for Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia, at the cost of 2 euro.

Information on Saturday Night at the Museum

When: every Saturday until December 2015
Where: National Archaeological Museum, the Capodimonte Museum, the Royal Palace of Caserta and the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum and Archaeological Park
Working time: from 20.00 am to 24.00 pm
Price: admission ticket to the museum

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