Uonderbois: Naples in the new Disney series with Serena Rossi

Serena Rossi at a Disney event

Disney lands in Naples with a new masterpiece entitled Underbois. The news dates back to yesterday, the day in which the start of filming of the new original Italian series, which has so far remained top secret, was announced, directed by Andrea De Sica and Giorgio Romano.

A perfect weave that will see the Disney magic combine with popular Neapolitan legends. In the role of the protagonist there will be the very good Serena Rossi, but with her there will be many other actors such as:

  • Massimiliano Caiazzo
  • Junior Rodriguez
  • Melissa Caturano
  • Catello Buonocore
  • Christian Chiummariello
  • Gennaro Filippone
  • Giordana Marengo
  • Giovanni Esposito
  • Ernesto Mahieux
  • Francesco Di Leva
  • Ivana lotito

And also, there will be the special participation of Nino D'Angelo.

The plot of Uonderbois

The series, as already mentioned before, is called Uonderbois, or a group of five twelve-year-olds who grew up in the narrow streets of Naples. The boys believe in the existence of their myth Underboi, it is a cross between the figure of the Munaciello and a modern Robin Hood.

The boys will go to the discovery of the Underground Naples knowing many stories and discovering that every story always hides a truth.

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Written by Serena De Luca
Image source: instagram profile @serenarossiofficial
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