Anna Tatangelo, here is the first photo with her new partner

Anna Tatangelo
Image source: Instagram profile Anna Tatangelo (@natatangeloofficial)

Anna Tatangelo, after being single for some time, would have rediscovered love alongside Mattia Narducci, a young model who has also walked the runway for Dolce&Gabbana and Giorgio Armani. Here is their first photo together.

After the painful separation from Gigi D'Alessio, Anna Tatangelo seemed to have found happiness next to Livio Cori. However, after several back and forth, the two finally decided to say goodbye forever in September 2022.

It would have been Tatangelo who left definitively, evidently tired of that situation. Sora's singer, after the end of her romance with Cori, would remain single for some time…until today.

Anna Tatangelo, that's who Mattia Narducci is, her new partner

There had been rumors of a possible for several weeks new partner in the life of Anna Tatangelo, but so far the 36-year-old singer had not released confirmations or denials, even if the paparazzi had glimpsed her in Paris in intimate attitudes with Matthias Narducciten years her junior.

However, a few hours ago, in her stories on Instagram, Tatangelo published her first photo together with her new partner, thus making their relationship official. In the photo, which is in black and white, they are seen together in a tender embrace.

Matthias Narducci, 26 years old, is a young model from Piacenza, but who already has a considerable Curriculum Vitae to his credit: in addition to Dolce & Gabbana, also walked for Giorgio Armani. He is also very active on social media, where he mostly posts photos of the fashion shoots he attended.

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Written by Frances Orelli
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