Aurora Ramazzotti, confessions on difficult childbirth and life as a mother

Image source: instagram profile @therealauroragram

Aurora Ramazzotti opens up once again on social media about her experience as a mother, recounting episodes related to the birth of Caesar Augustus and the emotions shared with the partner Godfrey Cerza. Through various stories on Instagram, the new mother shares her experience with her followers.

Aurora reflected on the importance of valuing i moments of joy in the first few weeks as a parent, such as taking a hot shower. During the pregnancy, she explains, was constantly tired and was told that she would be even more tired after giving birth.

Despite this, the daughter of Michelle Hunziker ed Eros Ramazzotti claims that the pregnancy was more demanding than the weeks following the birth of the baby: "It's been almost a month and I'm still waiting to feel more tired than in pregnancy as they told me".

The memory of a difficult but extraordinary birth

Aurora confesses that the birth was arduous, but considers it one of the most extraordinary moments of his life. She points out how many people, before her birth, alarmed her by telling her catastrophic and unsolicited stories.

After birth di Caesar Augustus, Aurora says people tell her it's easy at first, but problems come later. The young mother highlights how she often tends to share negative experiences.

Aurora he concludes his reflections by emphasizing that he has learned a fundamental lesson: "One thing that all this has taught me is to have respect for the delicacy of certain situations". He admits he hasn't thought of it before and promises to pay more attention to sharing his own experiences with others.

Aurora Ramazzotti and the transformation of family life

With the birth of Caesar Augustus, the life of Aurora Ramazzotti and hers extended family has been completely revolutionized. In particular, the new grandmother Michelle Hunziker he appears enthusiastic about this new adventure, as evidenced by the bedroom set up in his apartment for his nephew.

Aurora he also spoke of the difficulties in dealing with his own body after childbirth. A month later, the new mother was able to accept the changes in her body and now she no longer fears her reflection in her mirror.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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