Belen Rodriguez, the video of the fall in Le Iene live

belen falls to the hyenas
Image source: live Italy 1 of Le Iene

Belen Rodriguez, during the last episode of Le Iene which aired on Tuesday 16 May 2023, stumbles and falls to the ground badly shortly after making her entrance. The mother's reaction on social media was immediate, as she shared the post and received an immediate response: "Ahahah, there's nothing to laugh about!"

Little funny curtain for Belen Rodriguez: Tuesday, May 16, 2023, before the start of the new episode de Reservoir Dogs, the Argentine showgirl entered the scene during the "traditional" fashion show, but shortly after kissing Nathan Kiboba, the comedian who has become a regular face on the show, tripped between his legs and made a real tumble, ending up sprawled on the floor.

Impossible for her do not laugh, so it remained on the ground, at least until Max Angioni, intervened to give her a hand, did not make her get up and, in doing so, welcomed viewers to the new episode of Reservoir Dogs and also launched the service of Alice Martinelli.

The mother, Veronica Cozzani, publishes the video on Instagram and the daughter replies

Veronica Cozzani, mother of the showgirl, posted the video on her social networks, making it go viral. Shortly after, a comment came from her direct interest who, replying to her mother, wrote:

“Ahahah, there's no f…laughing!”

Belen Rodriguez

A phrase to which the mother replied with a new laugh, to which Rodriguez herself joined. Who, once back live, tried to play down the episode with the viewers, saying she didn't fall and that they had imagined it, then continuing the skit by pretending to have severe pain in her back (but the limp there was, and it was very real).

Let's just hope that Belen Rodriguez she didn't get too bad and that she can recover for the next episode of Reservoir Dogs.

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Written by Frances Orelli
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