Psychologist bonus up to 600 euros per person: how it works, who can request it and how to apply

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This year it is possible use the psychologist bonus 2022 thanks to the go-ahead from the joint Constitutional Affairs and Budget Commissions which provide for the allocation of 10 million euros for the structures of the National Health System. On June 28, the decree was also published on the Official Gazette.

This is a large amount that will be divided between existing structures and citizens to cope with the problems, in this case economic, relating to sessions with psychologists for therapies and various expenses.

Unfortunately, mainly due to the pandemic that has hit us for two years, the problems with depression, anxiety, stress and psychological frailty in so many people.

But let's see how it works.

Who can apply for the psychologist bonus: the requirements

It must be requested based on the ISEE and the thresholds are as follows:

  • 600 euros with a lower ISEE of 15 thousand euros
  • 400 euros per year maximum, with Isee between 15 and 30 thousand euros;
  • 200 euros per year maximum, with Isee between 30 and 50 thousand euros;
  • for each threshold indicated, the bonus is 50 euros for each single session.
  • therefore, for example, if the maximum amount that each person can receive is 600 euros per year and a session costs an average of 50 euros, it is expected that 12 sessions will be available with professionals enrolled in the Register of psychotherapists.

It is necessary medical prescription and the diagnosis of the discomfort.

According to estimates, they will be about 16 thousand people who will benefit from it, until the available fund is exhausted.

How to use the bonus

The contribution will be used to address the costs of psychotherapy sessions that can be carried out with private specialists regularly enrolled in the register of psychotherapists.

The sum, which as mentioned will be one maximum of 600 euros per person, will be divided according to the ISEE bands. At the moment there are still no precise indications on the sums that can be received based on the different Isee bands.

When the platform is active to submit the application

Le questions to take advantage of the psychologist bonus, they can be sent through the IT procedure from 25 July to 24 October 2022. They will come upon expiration drawn up the rankings of those entitled on the basis of available resources and the bonus will be paid with priority to people with Lower Isee, based on the order of arrival of the application.

How to apply to INPS

With regard to the submission of the application on the INPS platform, first of all you must be in possession of the credentials SPID, CIE (electronic identity card) or CNS (National Service Card).

You must access the service "Contribution to psychotherapy sessions"On the Homepage of INPS website and follow this path:

  • Performance and services;
  • Services;
  • On this page, click on the item "Alphabetical order", Found under the filters, and then on the letter"P"
  • at this point, from the list that appears scrolling the page, click on the item Access point to non-retirement benefits and enter the SPID, CIE or CNS credentials;
  • choose the item Contributions to psychotherapy sessions.

The application can also be submitted by contacting the Multichannel Contact Centerby calling the freephone number from the landline 803.164 or from the mobile network to the number 06.164164 (Surcharge).

After the period of submitting the applications, INPS will prepare some rankings for each Region, divided according to the residence of the applicant;

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