The Cantata dei Pastori returns to the Domus Ars in Naples at 2015 Christmas

The characters of the Neapolitan nativity scene come alive with Cantata dei Pastori, staged at the Domus Ars in the historic center of Naples!
The usual appointment with the Cantata dei Pastori in Naples, also this year on stage at Domus Ars in the historic center.
The show will take place from the 25 30 2015 December and the aim will be to recount the life present in the Neapolitan Crib and the stories of the characters that inhabit it. The actors want to make known to the public some aspects of this history of the Neapolitan tradition that, over time, due to modernity, are being lost.
The Crib is not only an ephemeral object for many that is exhibited in the living rooms of the Neapolitan houses, but has a much deeper meaning that we must try to find, also given by the many shepherds who live it and have it long stories to tell.
The theatrical company that stages La Cantata dei Pastori never bores the spectator and manages to merge masterfully tradition and innovation, telling the story of the Nativity. As almost everyone knows by now, among the main characters of the story there are sarchiapone e Razzullo, two popular figures who head to Bethlehem. The narration is accompanied by the beautiful music of Carlo Faiello.
Information on Cantata dei Pastori
When: from the 25 30 2015 December
Where: Domus Ars, via Santa Chiara, 11
Price: €15
Working time: 21.00 (Sunday 27 at 19.00)
Contacts: 0813425603 - 338 8615640 | | Domus Ars site