2016 Carnival in the Museums of Natural Sciences of Naples: workshops, games and masks for children

2016 Carnival at the Natural Science Museums of Naples
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The appointment with the Carnival is back in the Natural Science Museums of Naples to have fun with fossils and disguises!

Once again the Museums Center of Naples is active in the organization of recreational and educational activities for children: from 1 to 9 February, on the occasion of the 2016 Carnival and in collaboration with the organization Naturalia, launches special days dedicated to natural sciences. Younger guests, in fact, can have fun with each other fossils in masks, paleogames and minerals.

The museums involved are the Royal Mineralogical Museum, the Zoological Museum, the Anthropology Museum, the Paleontology Museum and the Physics Museum. The meetings are aimed at children from 5 to 11 years, and admission prices vary according to the activities and museums chosen.

There are two packages to choose:

  • Guided tour + 1 workshop
  • Guided tour + 2 workshops


The meetings include a guided tour of the museum

For the Mineralogy and Physics Museums:

At Carnival every “color” is worth - Activity consisting of two workshops, one on the properties of light and on the formation of colors and the other on the extraction of colors from minerals.

For the Zoological Museum:

let's explore the animal world - masked animals - carnival in the savannah

For the Museum of Anthropology:

Faces or masks? - Carnival at the Museum of Anthropology

For the Museum of Paleontology an activity chosen from:

  • Paleogiochi
  • Fossils in masks


Real Mineralogical Museum and Museum of Physics
Via Mezzocannone, 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 8,9 February | 10.00-13.00, 14.30-16.30

Zoological Museum
Via Mezzocannone, 8
1 and 8 February: 9.00-13.00, 14.30-16.30

Museum of Anthropology
Via Mezocannone, 8
1, 3, 4 February from 14.30 to 16.45
8-9 February hours 9.00 at 13,30, 14.30 - 16.45

Museum of Paleontology
L.go San Marcellino, 10
8 February: 9.00 - 13,30, 14.30 - 16.45
9 February: 9.00 - 13,30

Information on the 2016 Carnival at the Museums of Natural Sciences

When: from 1 to 4 and 8-9 February 2016
Where: Museums of Natural Sciences of Naples

  • Guided tour + 1 workshop: choice of activities between the Zoological Museum, the Anthropology Museum or the Paleontology Museum € 6,00 (admission € 1,50 + operator fee € 4,50)
  • Guided tour + 2 workshops: joint activity of the Royal Mineralogical Museum and the Physics Museum € 7,50 (admission € 1,50 + € 6,00 fee for educational operators)

Info and reservations: 0812537587 | codidatticacm@unina.it | site of the Museum Center

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