Che Tempo Che Fa closes. Fabio Fazio's final speech

Image source: twitter profile @chetempochefa

The last chapter of the show 'What's the weather like' aired on May 28 leads us to reflect on nnature of politics in relation to television entertainment. Fabio Fazio, the popular TV host, completes his last episode on the Rai network3, leaving a significant trace under the transmission, while Michele Serra, journalist and writer, asks crucial questions about politics and television.

Fabio Fazio's farewell to Rai, his speech

After two decades of honorable service in Rai, Fabio Fazio it is warmly applauded during his last appearance in 'Che tempo che fa' on Rai3. The difficult conclusion of a long evening is marked by a live standing ovation, acknowledging his contribution to broadcast television. Starting next year, Fazio will move to Canale Nove, bringing his talent with him in a new television adventure.

Littizzetto's final speech

"Dear Rai, maybe we'll meet again. Maybe in a different Italy... "

Political Reflections by Michele Serra

In the meantime, Michele Serra takes the floor, outlining his interpretation of the "political history of Rai" through a series of rhetorical questions. Serra questions the political nature of various characters and iconic figures of Italian television, including Topo Gigio, Quartetto Cetra, Tognazzi and Vianello, Amadeus, Fiorello, Mara Venier and Vespa. The intent is to underline the difficulty in associating the careers and art of these figures with a particular political alignment.

Politics and television: a final reflection

La criticizes di Greenhouse it goes further, bringing to light the current tendency to classify and politicize everything. He highlights how in Rai many people keep their own autonomy and how the current political atmosphere could be dangerous to artistic and professional freedom. For Greenhouse, Rai belongs to the state, not to political parties, and political pressure generates a toxic climate that threatens to overshadow the hard work of many professionals in the sector.

What happens to Fazio and the show Che tempo che fa?

Warner Bros Italy has formally confirmed the engagement of Fabio Fazio e Luciana Littizzetto for the channel NINE, known for the popular program "Fratelli di Crozza". The announcement was made on the morning of 14 May 2023, shortly before the launch of the third final episode of the 2022/2023 edition.

After an impressive 40-year career, Fazio is preparing to leave Rai, arousing great expectation for the farewells which will take place in exactly two weeks.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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