Davie504, who is the 1st Italian YouTuber? Bio, bass and worldwide success

Image source: https://www.facebook.com/Davie504/photos/pb.100044377181432.-2207520000./1458771140886556/?type=3

Davie504 he is a very famous record YouTuber very followed and appreciated by the people of the web. His smooth voice and incredible manner has won the hearts of millions of users from all over the world who have subscribers to his channel. So many that, by size, he is the first YouTuber in Italy by number of subscribers to the channel.

But who is he in reality? Let's get to know him better.  

What is Davie504's real name and where does he live?

Davie504 is a very famous YouTuber highly appreciated by the people of the web. His real name is Davide White and was born in 1994, more precisely on April 5 in a small province of all in the province of Savona . At the moment lives in the UK and in Italy he obtained the diploma mechanical expert. Now he is studying to get degree in mechanical engineering.  

Ever since he was just a child he had a strong passion for music and never gave up the idea of ​​becoming a musician. On many occasions he has defined himself as an Italian boy with the desire to share the passion for music.  

It has had its own for several years channels YouTube where he loves to post numerous videos completely in English and where he often, almost always, plays his favorite instrument, namely the Bass.

Davide is not only famous for his skill, but what made him a real celebrity on the web is his style. In fact, the bass is not played with a plectrum, but with “gli slaps” or the slap technique.  

Bass, Davie504's greatest passion 

La passion for bass was born when Davide was only 16 years old and he never took lessons of any kind. The boy then learns from self-taught studying thanks to videos on the internet.  

It all started by pure chance when one day he was playing at video game GTA San Andreas in which he heard the song strutter of the musical group Kiss. Soon after he discovers the game Guitar Hero and not only loves it, but also becomes very good at it. It will be in 2011 that he opens his own channel on YouTube where he begins to publish videos of original songs, arrangements and demos.  

Reached the first success he will then deal with playing much more complex songs and real challenges. The true success however, it comes in 2013 when Davide participates in a Shoutout Competition in which PewDiePie, a Swedish youtuber among the most famous in the world, sponsors him in one of his videos.

Davie has always thanked PewDiePie considering it an example to which he has followed over the years, insisting on the development of his career as a content creator.

Since then Davie404 has always worked for create ever more original entertainment content, passing from the covers of the songs to real personal challenges and against other youtubers and bass players.

The incredible success on YouTube 

Davie504, according to Davide, is very popular on YouTube and owes his popularity to performances with bass and challenges at the limit of creativity. What got him to the top of the most famous youtubers list was definitely his own irony, calmness and his sarcasm and they are all elements that the public seeks nowadays.  

In addition to all this, the key to his success it is also another element. It's actually about how she sets up videos of him. Davide speaks mainly in English, but alternates rare Italian words in the text to the point that for many years users did not even suspect that he was Italian.

Furthermore, his signature "Slap like", to invite users to "Like" the videos, immediately proved to be very effective and fun.

We can therefore say that this mix of characteristics that distinguish it has allowed it to win the hearts of many people and not only passionate of music.  

Private life of Davie504

With regard to the life private of Davie504 we know that thanks to the web he met a girl called Drungayu, of Taiwanese origin and also in love with bass. They met in 2004 and for a long time published content together.  

For some time they no longer appear in the company but we know that they got married in May 2023 thanks to a video published by Davide.

Trivia about Davie504  

Information about Davie504 is not much, but all we have discovered we just told you about him. Below we reveal a few Curiosity that perhaps not everyone knows.  

  • For a long time he lived together with his fiancée in Brighton which is in England. In 2020, following her Covid 19 pandemic, they moved to Taichung City, her hometown; 
  • His favorite video game is GTA San Andreas; 
  • For a time, since 2020, she has changed her hair color focusing on blonde but its natural color is black. It then went back to its natural color afterwards.

Davie504 social profiles  

Davide Biale is very famous on the web and especially on YouTube. Below are the links to his direct social channels.  

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Written by Manuela Bortolotto
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