How does Rocco Schiavone 5 end? What happened in the finale

Official photo of Rocco Schiavone 5, Rai fiction with Giallini
Image source: Rai Play

La fifth season of the hit series Rocco schiavone, with Marco Giallini as the protagonist, came to an end yesterday evening on Rai 2. The last episode, entitled "Old acquaintances", taken from the corresponding novel by Antonio Manzini, offered a surprising ending to the public. The plot will continue in sixth season. This is how Rocco Schiavone 5 closes.

Final episode of Rocco Schiavone 5

In Aosta, Rocco runs into his old friend, Sebastian Cecchetti, still upset and eager to take revenge on Enzo Baiocchi, the murderer of his wife. Unexpectedly, the prosecutor Baldi informs Rocco of a confidential meeting with Baiocchi in a hotel on the border with Switzerland.

Source Rai Play

Rocco warns Sebastiano of the presence of Baiocchi, but the latter disappears immediately after the phone call. Rocco even suspects a conspiracy, an idea rejected by his friends Fulvio and Maurizio. The prosecutor summons Rocco to a hotel, where they discover with great surprise that Enzo Baiocco is deceased. The case is entrusted to Ilary Pagani, who focuses her suspicions on Sebastiano.

Crucial witness and instigator of the murder

The testimony of hotel maid, who saw the face of the murderer, is crucial. Schiavone believes that Richard Mastrodomenico, police officer, is the instigator of the Baiocchi crime. Before long, another murder case emerges. From the photographs it turns out who the murderer of Enzo Baiocchi is Flavio Vinciguerra, ex Nox and acquaintance of Mastrodomenico.

Source Rai Play

Rocco Schiavone Final 5: Rocco's disappointment

The staggering revelations don't end there. One evening, the policewoman Caterina contacts Rocco to reveal a secret shocking truth contained in the dossier recovered by Baiocchi.

In 2007, Riccardo Mastrodomenico managed the trafficking of a criminal organization led by Luigi Baiocchi, guilty of the murder of Rocco's wife. Among the members of the criminal group there was Sebastiano Cecchetti, who had deceived his friend all this time.

Rocco, desperate, he kisses and gives himself up a night of love with Caterina.

Source Rai Play

Season XNUMX ends with Rocco looking back on moments from friendship lived with Sebastiano.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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