Gnuta concert in Bagnoli for Napoli Unplugged

The musical review continues Naples Unplugged curated with passion by the Cultural Association ETS broth and guided by the artistic vision of Viola Bufano, this series of events stands as a tribute to the city, supported by the Municipality of Naples in the context of the project Naples City of Music.
Il 9 February, the “Porta del Parco” Auditorium in Bagnoli will host the famous artist Gnut who with his guitar and his words will be able to win over the fans, as always.
Where to buy tickets and at what price
Securing a place at this memorable event is simple and convenient. With alone 10 € (plus pre-sale rights), you can guarantee yourself access to an evening of pure musical magic. Buy your tickets online on the ETES platform and get ready to be part of something extraordinary.
Who is Gnut
Gnut it is the voice of Napoli, an artist who intertwines the melodies of Nick Drake and Elliot Smith with the Italian songwriting heritage and the unique vibes of Neapolitan song. His latest work, Don't worry about it, is a manifesto of life, a hymn to resilience through music. Twenty years of career have led him to forge a sound that is unique to him, an explosive mix of emotions, culture and pure talent.
- Where: Porta del Parco Auditorium in Bagnoli
- When: Friday February 09 2024
- Prezzi: