Coupons and Offers on Naples | 18 / 24 November 2013 | Address Book

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the monastery of santa maria of jerusalem called the Trentatre in Naples

Theater, panuozzo, Santa's surprises: is not that enough for you? Then find out what other coupons are available to you!

Also this week the offers and coupons that we propose will not disappoint you! Read to believe!

Komikamente show

Between last week's offers we presented you the coupon for Schettino's comedy show. This Monday we want to talk to you about Michele Caputo's offer for Komikamente. You can buy a ticket for the evening at the Diana Theater by spending half
The show is presented by Caputo together with Adriana Petrosino and there will be 10 artists on stage accompanied by the musical group Mary Boccia Band.

Price: 9 €, instead of 18 €
Deadline: 20/11/2013

Link | Groupon - Komikamente show

The comedian Michele Caputo to be seen at the theater with a coupon

Monastery of the Trentatre

Surely there are many places in Naples that you do not know and that you have never visited and perhaps the Monastery of the "Trentatre" is one of them. Thanks to Medea Art you can take a guided tour, for 2 people, to this monastery of S. Maria di Gerusalemme (called, precisely, of the “Trentatrè) through a path of history, art and faith. The visit lasts about 3 hours and can be done either in a group or as a couple.

Price: 9 € for two people instead of 24 €
Deadline: nd

the monastery of St. Mary of Jerusalem known as the Trentatre in Naples

Link | Groupalia - Monastery of the Thirty-three

Lettering from Santa Claus

Il Christmas it is approaching slowly, but you can already surprise your children with a nice idea. In fact, with this coupon you will be able to get them a letter written by Santa Claus himself. Imagine the joy of your children when, at the door, the postman will give them the letter written by the real Santa Claus.

Price: 6,99€
Deadline: nd

Link | Groupalia - Letter from Santa Claus

 Santa Claus writes a letter to the children

Panuozzo from Mascolo

Who has never heard of Mascolo? And who did not eat me his famous panuozzo. If you are among the few who have never tasted it or simply want to eat it again, do not miss this coupon. Mascolo near Piazza Dante allows you to take advantage of a menu for 2 which includes a portion of chips and a panuozzo for 2 or half a panuozzo each. Of course, you can also choose a drink.

Price: 12 €, instead of 25 €
Deadline: 24/11/2013

Link | Glamoo - Panuozzo di Mascolo

the famous panuozzo di Mascolo

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