Dritto e Rovescio, previews, guests and themes for the 27th April episode

Cover of Dritto e Rovescio, the show hosted by Paolo Del Debbio

The 27 April, at 21:20, Network 4 will broadcast a new episode of Obverse and Reverse, conducted as always by Paul Del Debbio.

Union demonstrations and mobilisations

The program will look at the recent ones demonstrations against the government in Italian cities, including Palermo, where citizens have protested against "warmongering policies" and "increased military spending", and Bologna, Rome and Milan, where protesters are demanding the registration of children of same-sex couples.

Unitary mobilizations will also be dealt with in the episode organized by trade unions CISL, CGIL and UIL, which foresee three demonstrations in Bologna, Milan and Naples, highlighting the growing discontent of the workers.

The first of these will take place the 2 May 2023 with a total strike.

The question of immigration in Italy

The program will also address immigration management, a controversial and current topic. The episode will underline the difficulties of political parties in collaborating on real issues that concern citizens. In 2023, he registered a significant increase in landings, with 39.000 migrants arriving since the beginning of the year.

Investigations related to illegal immigration

Furthermore, Dritto e Rovescio will discuss the recent judicial investigations into clandestine immigration. In Catania, 25 people were arrested on charges of conspiracy to facilitate illegal immigration, suspected of managing the passage of migrants from Italy to the rest of Europe.

The guests of Dritto e Rovescio on April 27th

Notable guests in the episode:

  • Maurizio Gasparri, Vice-President of the Senate and exponent of Forza Italia
  • Elisabetta Gualmini, Brothers of Italy
  • Alessandro Panza, League
  • Marco Osnato, Brothers of Italy
  • Ettore Licheri, Senator of the 5 Star Movement (opposition)
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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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