It's always CartaBianca, previews, themes and guests of March 5, 2024

bianca berlinguer

bianca berlinguer comes back to surprise us, moving from Rai a Mediaset with a wealth of experience and a novelty that is already making people talk: "It's always Cartabianca“. This evening, we will assist to an episode that promises to keep the spirit of the previous program intact, but with that touch of renewal that never hurts.

From dark world of sects to the increasingly pressing question of Health, let's get ready for a television appointment not to be missed.

Tonight's themes at È semper CartaBianca

The economic difficulties of Italians

Featured tonight there will be economic difficulties that many Italians are facing with rising inflation. The program aims to investigate the causes of this growing financial pressure, analyzing economic policies, the labor market and the social impact of these challenges.

Through testimonies and data, we will try to understand how families are reacting to this situation and what solutions could be put in place to offer concrete support.

The disturbing phenomenon of cults

Another topic of great interest will be the world of sects. “It's always Cartabianca” will explore how these realities exploit human vulnerabilities, promising false paradises or immediate solutions to life problems.

The focus will be on the methods used by these organisations to attract and retain their followers, on the psychological and social consequences for the victims and on the strategies to combat this phenomenon.

The challenges of the Italian healthcare system

Finally, the episode will end with an in-depth discussion health survey, highlighting the difficulties related to waiting lists and health mobility. We will discuss how the divide between North and South of the country influence access to care and we will try to understand the reasons behind the need, for many, to undertake real "journeys of hope" in search of adequate treatments.

The guests in the studio at È semper CartaBianca

To discuss these topics, “È semper Cartabianca” welcomes leading figures from the Italian journalistic and cultural panorama into the studio:

  • Alessandro Orsini, a well-known sociologist and political analyst, often offers original perspectives on current issues.
  • Andrea Scanzi, journalist and writer, is known for his direct style and his timely criticism.
  • Gad Lerner, journalist and author, brings with him long experience in the field of information and political commentary.
  • Pietro Senaldi, newspaper editor, known for his incisive analyzes on current affairs and politics.
  • Stefano Cappellini, journalist and commentator, often at the center of the debate for his positions.
  • Maurice Belpietro, director and presenter, with a career spanning several of the main Italian media.

Will Mauro Corona be there?

Mauro Corona, charismatic and controversial figure, returns to the stage of "È semper Cartabianca", bringing with it its unmistakable style. Writer, mountaineer and sculptor, Corona is known for his direct and unfiltered interventions, which have often animated the debate in previous editions of the programme.

This time too, his reflections and yours provocations they promise to shake the audience and stimulate an open discussion on the topics covered in the episode. His participation is expected as one of the highlights of the evening, capable of offering original ideas and sparking lively discussions.

What time is it on and where to watch it

“It's always Cartabianca” airs on 4 network, every Tuesday evening, from 21pm until approximately half past midnight. The same day of broadcast as its predecessor "Cartabianca". The broadcast is live from Studio 1 of the Safa Palatino Center in Rome.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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