Emma Marrone greased and attacked on social media, what happens

Emma Brown
Image source: Instagram profile Emma Marrone (@real_brown)

Shameful episode that happened on social media: a hater body shams Emma Marrone, but the singer does not hold back and gives him a piqued answer.

Emma Brown she has never been afraid to respond to those who attacked her or those who denigrated her work as a singer and, in the previous hours, she showed it very clearly when she ended up the victim of a shameful attack on social media by a hater.

What happened? As reported today by the pages of Super TV Guide, a hater (and moreover a woman) wrote under one of the photos posted by the former student of Amici di Maria De Filippi a really terrible comment, where he took aim at his fitness (doing therefore body shaming) and saying these textual words:

“Emma will soon rock the stage if this continues.”

Emma Marrone responds to the hater on social media: "You suck, immensely disgusting!"

Needless to say, this comment, written by this hater who signs himself as Claudia, sparked the immediate reaction of Emma Brown, who replied in the stories on Instagram:

“Good morning from the Middle Ages. For Signora Claudia, I'm breaking the stage with my weight. Take social media away from these shitty people. You suck Claudia. Immensely disgusting.”

It is not the first time, unfortunately, that Emma Brown suffers body shaming. We recall, for example, that during the 72 Festival of Sanremo was criticized harshly for her Gucci designer clothes and, in particular, for her fishnet stockings, which also attracted the blog's dislikes and criticisms David May:

“If you have an important leg, avoid wearing fishnet stockings.”

Also on that occasion the singer had not held back and, in addition to a very harsh reply to the blog in question, had also addressed a great teaching to her followers on social media:

“Avoid reading or listening to comments like this. Your body is perfect the way it is, you have to love and respect it. And above all, you have to dress how you like, whether you have important legs or not. Indeed, with the fishnet stockings also combined with a miniskirt and show her these important legs.”

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Written by Frances Orelli
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