Free health and prevention

All the free events in Naples on health and prevention in the Campania region.

The latest updates
Vaccini nelle scuole a Napoli, tante le prenotazioni: ecco gli istituti aderenti
Free health and prevention

Vaccines in schools in Naples, many reservations: here are the participating institutions

January 20 2022

Attacco hacker all’ASL Napoli 3: attivi numero di telefono e email per chiedere informazioni
Free health and prevention

Hacker attack at ASL Napoli 3: activate your phone number and email to ask for information

January 20 2022

La Campania in zona gialla, superate le soglie critiche: ecco cosa cambia

Campania in the yellow zone, critical thresholds exceeded: this is what changes

January 14 2022

Vaccini a Napoli, torna la prenotazione obbligatoria: ecco come fare
Free health and prevention

Vaccines in Naples, the mandatory booking is back: here's how

January 13 2022

Dove non serve il Green Pass dal 1 febbraio, nè base nè rafforzato

Where the Green Pass is not needed from February 1st, neither basic nor reinforced

January 13 2022

Scuole in Campania, molti comuni le chiudono nonostante la decisione del Tar: ecco perché possono

Schools in Campania, many municipalities close them despite the decision of the TAR: that's why they can

January 12 2022

Gli orari dei centri vaccinali a Napoli e provincia: ecco quando sono aperti
Free health and prevention

The timetables of the vaccination centers in Naples and its province: that's when they are open

January 11 2022

Cosa non può fare un non vaccinato dal 10 gennaio: si estende il Green Pass Rafforzato
Free health and prevention

What an unvaccinated can't do from January 10: the Enhanced Green Pass is extended

January 10 2022

Tamponi gratis a Napoli, ma solo ad assessori e consiglieri: la delibera che fa discutere

Free tampons in Naples, but only to councilors and advisers: the resolution that causes discussion

January 09 2022

Open Day Vaccini a scuola a Napoli Est: giornata per i bambini 5-11 anni
Free health and prevention

Open Day Vaccines at school in East Naples: day for children 5-11 years old

January 09 2022

Scuole chiuse e divieto di alcolici all’aperto in Campania: ecco  l’ordinanza

Closed schools and ban on outdoor alcohol in Campania: here is the ordinance

January 08 2022

La Campania resta in zona bianca, De Luca: il rischio è alto

Campania remains in the white zone, De Luca: the risk is high

January 08 2022