Giorgia Meloni left Andrea Giambruno, what happened?

Giorgia Meloni and Andrea Giambruno

When politics meets love, e tutto si scontra con i media, ecco che abbiamo un cocktail esplosivo che tiene tutti con il fiato sospeso. Giorgia Meloni, Presidente del Consiglio, e Andrea Giambruno, Mediaset journalist, have become involuntary protagonists of this modern novel, whose last chapter was written on social media.

L’annuncio ufficiale di Giorgia Meloni tramite i social

In an era where the Relationships seem to start and end with a click, anche Giorgia Meloni ha deciso di utilizzare la piazza digitale per comunicare la fine della sua storia con Giambruno. Con un post dai toni pacati e un certo alone di mistero, la Meloni ha dichiarato:

"Our paths have diverged for some time, and the time has come to acknowledge it."

La diplomacy was the protagonist, without too many frills or juicy details, the Prime Minister closed a chapter of her life in front of all the people on the web.

Perché si sono lasciati? I motivi della rottura tra Giorgia Meloni e Andrea Giambruno

The big question that hovers is: why? To this question, Meloni chose to do not answer, leaving the field open to speculation and theories. Confidentiality reigns supreme, and it is not known whether there were insurmountable obstacles or simply the passage of time to consume the affection. The fact is that the President has not given, and probably will not give, further explanations.

The scandal of the off-air broadcasts broadcast by Striscia la Notizia

To add a pinch of spice to this already intriguing story, there was a rather curious coincidence. The night before the official announcement, “Strip the News” broadcast an off-air by Andrea Giambruno.


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The journalist was caught doing it allusions to a colleague during the Diary of the day broadcast.

Despite the obvious timing, there is no confirmation that the two events are connected, but the coincidence has certainly fueled the gossip.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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