International Day against AIDS, the initiatives in Naples

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Naples also adheres to the initiatives scheduled for the International AIDS Day, with numerous events and the Prevention Bus

La International AIDS Day it takes place on 1 December of each year with the aim of raising awareness of the disease caused by the HIV virus and raising awareness.

even the the municipality of Naples, every year, it strives to ensure that information on the matter is increasingly effective and adheres to the most important initiatives promoted by the associations that have always dealt with activities of contrast and prevention.

The scheduled events will concern the dissemination of information material, meetings and debates, the organization of a flashmob with the famous cartoonist Silver, but also the projection of a short film theme and musical paths; all in order to bring citizens closer to such a delicate problem that could and should be known much more.

Among the many initiatives, one of the most important concerns the presence of a Prevention Bus that will be stationed in the main squares of Naples until 15 December 2014.
Below we list the program of events for the World AIDS Day and the bus stops.

International AIDS Day Initiatives Program

  1. The Arcigay Napoli association will distribute, during all the initiatives, condom and informative material on the MtS (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) produced by Arcigay. Moreover, this material, produced for the MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) population in the local and gathering places of the LGBT community (lesbian gay bisex and trans) Neapolitan;
  2. The Department of Equal Opportunities will exhibit one banner, produced by the NPS association with the support of Arcigay Naples, on its balconies to celebrate with us the 1 December World AIDS Day;
  3. Sunday 30th November Flash Mob 18 hours via A. Diaz on the theme "Hiv is not a crime" with the extraordinary participation of the historic cartoonist Silver (Father of Lupo Alberto) and of the Dance Center of M. Luigi Esposito;
  4. 4th December as part of the event POETE, conceived and managed by Claudio Finelli, culture manager of the Arcigay Committee of Naples, at Chiaja Hotel de Charme, presentation of the book "Resto Umano" authors Annamaria Lacatena and Miki Formisano (NPS);
  5. December 5 at the headquarters of Arcigay Napoli, screening of short film "A world of colors" directed by Domenico Salierno, director of NPS Italia onlus section. Campania and debate with the Youth Group of the Arcigay Committee of Naples on stigma and discrimination for HIV-positive people;
  6. Arcigay Napoli and NPS will provide informative material and condoms to the activities of the "Let's talk about it Tour"Organized by the Azienda Dei Colli and the activities of the young students of the SISM local office in Naples near Federico II;
  7. There will be a garrison at some city squares from 1 to 15 December -Please Parliamone Tour "(attached the poster)
  8. Anlaids Association -Church of Sant'Eligio Maggiore (musical itinerary of Neapolitan Classical Music - free admission-
  9. Distribution of informative material at “Federico II University, II University of Naples, Parthenope University, Eastern University
  10. From the 27 October to the December 15 on video-meter on the air i episodes of "HIVO"

Prevention Bus Stages

  • 1-3 December: Piazza Dante
  • 4-5 December: Piazzetta San Vincenzo
  • 6-7 December: Piazza del Gesù
  • 8 December: Piazza Carità
  • December 9: University of Monte Sant'Angelo
  • 10 December: POnticelli - ITI Marie Curie
  • 11 December: via Scarlatti (COIN height)
  • 12-14 December: Piazza Garibaldi
  • 15 December: Monaldi Hospital
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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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