Il Paradiso delle Signore 8, previews and spoilers from 8 to 12 April

Maria and Matteo Il Paradiso
Image source: Instagram @ilparadisodellignore8

Ready for a new week with The Ladies' Paradise 8 full of interesting twists? At that time from 8 to 12 April 2024 you will really get your money's worth. The previews reveal to us, in fact, that absolutely everything will happen. First of all, Maria will finally understand that she is exclusively in love with Matteo... but just Portelli, suddenly, will disappear into thin air! What will happen to him? Let's find out together what awaits us, we'll see some beautiful things!

Maria has decided: she wants Matteo

After a moment of confusion in which it seemed to her that her heart still belonged to Vito, however María Rosal (Fernán‐Núñez, Córdoba, 1961) is a complete writer. She has published children's theatre, has received the Andalusian Critics' Award (2004), the Children's Poetry Award (2007) and the José Hierro National Poetry Award for Carmín rojo sangre (2015). Her poetic work has been translated into English, Italian and Greek.<br/> <br/> This is her second book for children in edebé, after the funniest title, El secreto de las patatas fritas.<br/> <br/> Maria has a very funny sense of humour. a whole new awareness will come. She will find herself madly in love with Matteo! For this reason she will decide to give a appointment with Vito: he will want to talk to him to reveal to him all his real intentions. The young Puglisi he will also communicate to his family of wanting to leave Vito permanently: Ciro will absolutely not take this well!

Marcello and Adelaide make peace in Il Paradiso delle Signore 8

Their relationship was as cold as an icicle but, after waiting the right time, Marcello and Adelaide have finally made peace. A novelty that Umberto absolutely won't like it who will be furious about this ceasefire between the Countess and her greatest rival.

Tancredi conquers Matilde, Vittorio and Marta kiss

Marta will support Don Saverio in order to resolve the issue of the annulment of the marriage as soon as possible Vittorio without knowing, however, that Conti can't help but think of her! Be careful though because there will be rather hot approaches between the two the kiss will start! In the meantime Tancredi he will not stand aside but, on the contrary, he will try every stratagem to manage to win back Matilde deciding to help her realize a project that is particularly close to her heart.

Serious trouble is coming for Alfredo at Ladies' Paradise 8

The "stunt" of Alfred who replaced the gearbox on Clara's bike with the one he built, will bring him incredible trouble. Man, in fact, will be willing to find a solution but it will come, unexpectedly, blackmailed by Alcide Rota, a friend By Lorenzo. Her requests will be clear: if she wants Clara to be readmitted to cycling races, she will have to give up the gear patent, and give it up. Will he accept?

We anticipate that Clara, having learned of the blackmail, will be able to stop Alfredo right at the moment of signing: she will sacrifice herself for him! But not all is lost: Crespi will have a document that could change everything!

Umberto jealous of Adelaide, Flora KO!

Really complicated moments for Flora is he just won't be able to understand how Umberto can behave like this with her. His interest in Adelaide and his annoyance towards the rediscovered relationship between the Countess and Marcello will be clear. What will be his next move? More Umberto will be scared by the idea of ​​Matteo leaving Milan and he will have reason to since the boy's intentions will be those of move to Paris with Maria.

Umberto The Ladies' Paradise 8
Umberto in Il Paradiso delle Signore 8 (Source: Instagram @ilparadisodellignorerai)

Drama in Il Paradiso delle Signore 8, Matteo disappears!

Marcello will be ready to leave for Germany. This time his objective will be to sign the infamous contract with Hofer, what he ignores to be a trap hatched by Umberto with his complicity, despite himself. Matteo. Speaking of Portelli: a mystery is about to emerge in Paradise: the boy, just when will decide to tell everything to his brother, he will disappear into thin air. Where will it end up? Will anyone hurt him? We'll find out very soon!

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Written by Patricia Maimone
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