Santa's Village | Parco Degli Uccelli (Lake Patria)

From 4 November until 19 January the Santa Claus Village opens at the Parco degli Uccelli (Lago Patria - Giugliano).
After presenting you the new edition of the Santa Claus Village, the town of Santa Claus in Varcaturo, this time we focus on the one set up by Bird Park of Lago Patria! We must admit that the project seems very similar to that of Varcaturo, but the location offers you a space that will allow you to immerse yourself in a real northern village.
The park wood, in fact, easily becomes the magic and ideal place to host the house of Santa Claus, thanks to the natural paths that for the holidays will be overflowing with gnomes, elves and many other decorations. Most of the organisers' activities, as the village informs us, will be held in covered and heated areas. From the main entrance you will know a little Santa's helper and you can also meet the talking tree that will give the welcome to visitors. The tour will take you around the forest where you can land in the various corners of the village.
The stages of the Santa Claus Village tour
The post office
A place where young visitors can write, with the help of the postman elves, the letter for Santa Claus and which they will post directly to the North Pole in the large mailbox of the Village.
The Raccfiabe Cassette
The friendly storytellers elves take turns in telling fairy tales, fables, legends and Christmas nursery rhymes.
The Village Farm
Here you can see and look after the Furia pony, bunnies, chickens, turtles, ducks and geese that brighten up the life of the Village.
The Toy Factory
A laboratory crowded with elves busy fixing and building toys that Santa will collect in big bags to take to the children. The little visitors helped by the elves will create a small craft to take home as a souvenir.
The house of Santa Claus
A splendid wooden hut to visit where children will meet Santa Claus and find his desk where he answers the children, his "big bed", the throne where he can hold the little ones in his arms and where it is possible to take a souvenir photo with print immediate.
Services and Attractions of the Santa Claus Village
Village Market
Visit to the village market with the preparation of various stands.
The bank
The mint in the village where euros are exchanged for the village's currency, the only currency to circulate: 1 euro = 1 gnome. All services must be paid for with the gnomes. This coin is signed by Santa Claus.
The Photographer of the Village
Let us take a picture in one of the many locations to make movies and souvenir photographs.
The Master Baker
The Village Pastry Shop where the master baker will prepare sweets, chocolate, pizzas and sandwiches.
The Piazzetta del Villaggio
Here the musical performances will take place, everyone on the dance floor under the tree "dances with the elves" and where the interactive musical is organized with the participation of visitors prepared by the students of the Accademia Cimarosa the old man is staged spot that made the history of Coca Cola.
The Cinema
There will be a 55-minute screening of a brand new Christmas movie every day in the morning. It is a cartoon titled “the son of Santa Claus”, an exciting and funny film that will make the party even more special. For the evenings of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays there is another splendid screening entitled: "The true story of Santa Claus", another Christmas film for the whole family.
The Restaurant
Open for lunch and dinner by reservation with the best specialties of the "Wood".
The Diligence of the Village
The stagecoach will be led by the elf Antonio and pulled by the mare "Fragolina".
The Ranch
Here it will be possible to take a ride on horseback or the baptism of the saddle.
Timetables to make guided tours on the route
Data: From Monday 4 November 2013 to 19 January 2014
Opening hours: For visitors: Every Saturday and Sunday. Wednesday 25, Thursday 26 and Friday 27 December from 10.00 to 22.00. For schools: every day from Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 15.00.
Prices to visit the village of Santa Claus
The cost of the ticket: 9,00 euros (family packages are available: 1 Adult + 1 Child: 15,00 euros). We mean children from 2 to 10 years. A sweet gift for all children.
Park Secretariat: 0815098360 - 3343681647 - Marinella 3934174387